Australia China Alumni Awards
Celebrate the Success of Alumni in China and Australia

Alumni Awards in Numbers
Years of history
Awards finalists in the 15 years
Awards winners in the 15 years
Australian universities and TAFE’s participate every year
Attendees gather at Awards presentation events in 6 or more cities in Australia and China every year
Views on Award’s posts every year
Annual Alumni Awards Networking
The Australia China Alumni Awards is an initiative of the Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA) to celebrate excellence in Australian tertiary education and recognise the significant achievements of Australian-educated alumni in China. The aim of the Awards is to demonstrate how Australian tertiary education can help graduates succeed in an international context and across a variety of fields.
Every year, ACAA holds Awards Networking in November. Before 2020, the Awards Networking was hold in one place gathering all finalists, winners, government and university representatives. Since 2020, ACAA organized Annual Awards Networkings in 8-10 cities in Australia and China at the same day.