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2022 Judging Panel

Andrew Carter

Natalie Ebden

Joseph Kwan

Winnie Liu

Jessie Wong

Kylie Cooper

Andrew Carter  
Trade Commissioner (Education) (Greater China)
Australian Trade and Investment Commission

Andrew Carter commenced in the role of Trade Commissioner (Education) (Greater China) at the Australian Embassy in Beijing in December 2020. Andrew is responsible for the overall leadership and direction of Austrade’s promotion of Australian international education across Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Andrew has been with Austrade since 2015, most recently leading a Policy and Ministerial team in Canberra, and previously in positions in the United States focused on education and investment. Prior to his career at Austrade, Andrew has worked at the Embassy of Australia in Washington DC as a research officer for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and in policy roles in Canberra at the Department of Defence and the Department of Agriculture.

Andrew is admitted to practise law in New South Wales and has a Masters in International Law (with Merit) from the Australian National University, and Bachelor Degrees in Arts and Law from the University of Newcastle.  

安博宇先生自2020年12月起担任澳大利亚驻华大使馆商务处(即澳大利亚贸易投资委员会)大中华地区教育专员 / 商务参赞,常驻北京。他负责总体指导在中国大陆、香港和台湾地区的澳大利亚国际教育推广工作。安博宇先生于2015年加入澳大利亚贸易投资委员会(澳贸委),在美国担任过教育及投资的相关职务,后来回到堪培拉领导政策和部长协调团队。



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Natalie Ebden
Regional Director of Operations and Assistance, Medical Services, Asia
International SOS

Natalie Ebden has 30 years experience in Health care and consulting in Australia, China and extensively across Asia, She is recognized for her expertise in health risk management, focusing on organizational resilience and supporting employee health and wellbeing.

Natalie is passionate about operational excellence and improving health outcomes, which ultimately improves productivity and reduces risk to operations.

In a regional capacity, Natalie designs and supports the delivery of medical services in challenging and remote locations, across industries such as energy and mining, government, NGO, Tech, financial and professional services and education.

Natalie is committed to working with organizations on their business critical agenda from a healthcare perspective, with a long -term view. This includes striving to achieve sustainable goals through preventative measures.

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Ar. Dr. Joseph Kwan MH 
Founder and Managing Director, UDA Consultants Ltd.
Winner of 2018 Australia China Alumni of the Year Award



Ar Joseph Kwan MH is an internationally recognised leader, architect and expert in accessible built environments with more than 40 years’ experience in architecture and environmental psychology practice. He has worked extensively in Australia, the United Kingdom, France and Hong Kong. Mr Kwan has dedicated his career to making Hong Kong, and other communities around the world, more accessible for the elderly and people with disabilities, with a particular focus on the built environment, city planning, public transportation and tourism. He believes passionately that accessibility plays a fundamental role in ensuring equality and the safe and full participation of all citizens in their communities. He is the Founding Director of UDA (Universal Design & Accessibility) Consultants Ltd. As a passionate forerunner and respected advocate in the ‘Barrier-Free Access’ (BFA) arena in Hong Kong since 1987, Mr Kwan has provided expert consultancy on universal accessibility design and performed access audit services for numerous construction projects, including government buildings and precincts, 20 hospitals, 8 universities ; and professional advice to many public places such as the Kai Tak Sports Park and the West Kowloon Cultural District Development in Hong Kong. Mr Kwan regularly gives his time and expertise advising a whole host of committees for local government, professional institutions, non-government organizations, and disabled persons organizations across Hong Kong and beyond. In addition, he has lectured globally in 34 countries on universal access and inclusive design. In 2001 he was awarded the prestigious “Medal of Honour” by the Hong Kong government for his work and commitment to inclusive design.

关国乐先生是享誉国际的建筑师,致力于无障碍建筑及包容性城市的研究和发展,先后在澳大利亚、英国、法国和香港从事建筑行业超过40年。 关国乐先生致力于在香港,甚至全球范围内推动无障碍设计,通过构建环境、优化城市规划以及公共交通,为老年人及残障人士提供更友好的居住环境。他深信”通行无阻”是保障市民安全和生活质量,鼓励市民投入参与到社区的基础。 关国乐先生创立了通用设计与无障碍(UDA)顾问公司,现任董事总经理一职。自1987年起,关国乐先生一直在前沿推动香港公共场所的”无障碍通道”化。20年来,他先后为数百个建筑项目提供无障碍设计及审查服务,其中包括政府大楼和警区、20家医院、8所大学,以及香港科学馆、香港亚洲协会文化会议中心、海港城和香港时代广场等公共场所。 此外,关国乐先生利用自身的专业知识,在业余时间参与主持香港境内相关行业组织,为服务中心、互助小组和教育项目提供协助。 他还在全球34个国家讲授无障碍和通用设计。 2001年,关国乐先生因其在通用设计领域的成就和贡献,获得香港政府颁予的”荣誉勋章”。

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Winnie Liu
Alumni Engagement Manager, the Australian Embassy in China

Winnie is the Alumni Engagement Manager at the Australian Embassy in China. Before joining the Embassy, Winnie was the alumni and donor program manager for the Australian National University. Winnie also previously worked in government in different countries and for the World Customs Organisation on law enforcement, international cooperation and cross-border project management.
Winnie在澳大利亚驻华大使馆担任中国区校友事务经理。在加入使馆之前,Winnie曾在澳大利亚国立大学负责校友及相关事务多年。此前,Winnie 曾在多个国家的政府及使馆部门任职,并为世界海关组织工作多年,负责执法合作、国际交流和跨境项目管理。

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Jessie Wong
Partner with KPMG China

Jessie Wong FCPA (Aust.) AMA (CIMA) PhD is Partner with KPMG China. Jessie is Partner-In-Charge of the firm’s System of Quality Management and the firm’s Quality Management lead. She has worked in the areas of Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Quality Control and Risk Management and Department of Professional Practice (Audit) in the firm. Jessie was formerly Senior Technical Manager with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and earlier with the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) at the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). Jessie is currently a member of CPA Australia’s Disciplinary Panel. She is also a member of the University of Melbourne Alumni Council and Chair of the Membership and Nominations Committee. Jessie was formerly Deputy Chair of CPA Australia’s Women in Leadership, Greater China Committee. Jessie is the winner of the 2012 Australian Education International Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award.

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Kylie Cooper
Director of Study Queensland
Trade and Investment Queensland

Kylie Cooper is the Director of Study Queensland, Trade and Investment Queensland where she leads a team that supports Queensland’s international education and training sector. She comes from a background in tertiary education and government, most recently as the Senior Manager of Entrepreneurship at The University of Queensland where she played a strong role in the development of the first UQ Entrepreneurship Strategy. Prior to joining UQ, Kylie was the Director of Innovation Policy and Programs for the Queensland Government where she led a team that developed and implemented Queensland Government innovation policy and established a wide range of state-wide innovation programs.

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