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The 16th Australia China Alumni Awards Winners Announced

Updated: 18 hours ago

The 16th Australia-China Alumni Awards Sydney Ceremony took place on 27 November, with Andrew Robb AO, former Australian Minister for Trade and Investment and signatory of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, delivering the keynote speech and presenting awards to the winners. This event followed the Beijing Ceremony held on the 23 November at the Australian Embassy in China, where Australian Ambassador and Patron of the Australia China Alumni Association, Scott Dewar, delivered a keynote speech and presented awards. Together, the two ceremonies welcomed over 300 distinguished Australia-China alumni, with 200 selective attendees in Sydney and 100 in Beijing.


Both the Hon. Andrew Robb AO and H.E. Scott Dewar, Australian Ambassador to China,  praised the important and positive role of Australia-China alumni and the Chinese community in Australia in fostering economic, trade, cultural, and educational exchanges between the two nations. They agreed that Australia-China alumni serve as a vital bridge in bilateral relations, contributing significantly through their outstanding achievements.


This year's awards, organized by the Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA), marks the 16th consecutive year of recognizing alumni excellence. Supported by the Australian Embassy in China and over 40 Australian universities, the awards featured eight categories and four special medals. The selection panel comprised independent judges, including representatives from the Australian Embassy, leading think tanks, government agencies, universities, and previous award winners.


The prestigious "Australia-China Alumni of the Year" award was presented to Professor Li-Wei Qin of the National University of Singapore and an internationally acclaimed cellist. Known as the "new generation Yo-Yo Ma," and the Young Australian of the Year 2002,  Professor Qin is recognized as one of the world's most outstanding Chinese musicians. In May 2025, he will perform with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the Sydney Opera House, further showcasing his artistic talent.


Both ceremonies welcomed high-profile guests, including  H.E. Scott Dewar, Australian Ambassador to China and Patron of Australia China Alumni Association); the Hon. Andrew Rob AO, former Australian Minister for Trade and Investment; Vice-Chancellors and Vice-Pro Chancellors from multiple Australian universities; George Wang, Chairman of the Sydney Stock Exchange; Cameron Kerr, CEO of Taronga Zoo; Maria Vo, Assistant Director of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations; Sabrina Tobin, Director of Study QLD; Lily Podder, Head of Strategy and Dimitt Mitsis, GM of Retail from Oroton.  Australia China Alumni Association team including Chair Sara Cheng, Co-Chair Grace Li,  Executive Committee members Aodong Mei, Angela Chen and Sydney Chapter Executive Committee members Roc Xu, Dion Woo, Li Deng, Lily Wang and Jessica Guo also attended the ceremonies.


Key supporters of this year's awards included the Australian Embassy in China, Sydney Stock Exchange, CPA Australia, Taronga Zoo, Oroton Group, Australian National Pavilion of Premium Brands on JD and Cook1788 Wines.


The ACAA has announced that nominations for the 17th Australia-China Alumni Awards will open in early December 2024. All alumni are encouraged to participate actively. The 2025 awards ceremony is scheduled for September, where exceptional alumni making significant contributions in various fields will again be celebrated.


Full list of the 16th Australia China Alumni Awards 2024 Winners and Medallists

Australia China Alumni of the Year Award

Li-wei QIN


Singapore National University

Australia China Young Alumni of the Year Award

Leo Ou



ACAA Young Alumni of the year- Judge's commendation


Composer,Orchestrator, Singer and Music teacher

Jolin Jiang Music

ACAA Alumni Enterprise Award

Chuan-dong Wen

President and co-founder

Inwentech Pty Ltd

ACAA Arts and creativity Award



Sydney Sympony Orchestra

ACAA Business Achievement Award Co-winner

Wing Cheung Joseph Chan

Founder and CEO

Asiapay Ltd

ACAA Business Achievement Award Co-winner

Songyu GAO


Boman Group

ACAA Life science Award

Xiao Fei ZHANG

Research Professor in Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Center for Medical Science Data, Tsinghua University.

ACAA Members Choice Award

Jessie XIAO

Owner and managing director

Advisory Centre for Australian Education

ACAA Members Choice Award - Judge's commendation

Yuezi WEN

Global Custody Account Manager

BNP Paribas

ACAA Research and Innovation Award

Wanqing CHEN

Director, Office of Cancer Screening

National Cancer Centre, China

ACAA Women in Leadership Award

Sophie CHEN

Senior Consultant

Zhong Lun Law Firm

ACAA Women in leadership -Judge's commendation




Study Queensland Award

Fu-Sheng SHIAO



ACCA Medal for Cross-cultural Contribution

Michele ZHUANG

Managing Director

ACCM Group

ACAA Medal for Media and Communications

Heidi Yaqi HAN

Head of Marketing and Communications


ACAA Medal for Social Influence

Steven CREIG

Chief China Representative DMG Fine Wine

DMG Fine Wine

ACAA Medal for Social Influence

Monika TU

Founder & Director

Black Diamondz Group



第十六届澳中杰出校友奖悉尼颁奖典礼2024年11月27日隆重举行,澳大利亚前贸易与投资部长、澳中自由贸易协定签署者安德鲁·罗伯(Andrew Robb AO)为获奖者颁发荣誉。本次活动延续了11月23日在澳大利亚驻华大使馆举办的澳中杰出校友奖北京颁奖典礼, 澳大利亚驻华大使暨澳中同学会荣誉主席吉思德(H.E. Scott Dewar)在北京京颁奖典礼上做主题致辞并颁奖。第十六届澳中校友奖两场颁奖典礼分别邀请了200名和100名杰出澳中校友及嘉宾出席。




本届澳中杰出校友奖由澳中同学会(Australia China Alumni Association,  ACAA)主办, 已连续举办16届, 获得了澳大利亚驻华大使馆,40多所澳大利亚高校,及各州教育推广署的大力支持。今年的颁奖典礼共设8个奖项类别,4个奖章类别来表彰杰出校友。大奖评委由独立的评审团成员组成, 包括澳大利亚驻华大使馆参赞, 顶尖智库创始人, 政府和大学代表及往届的杰出校友奖获者组成。曾就读于墨尔本大学,现任新加坡国立大学大提琴系主任, 闻名于全球音乐界的大提琴演奏家秦立巍荣膺“澳中年度校友”大奖。他被誉为音乐界的“新一代马友友”,是国际上最杰出的华人音乐家之一。他将在2025年5月与悉尼交响乐团在悉尼歌剧院合作演出,进一步展示其艺术才华。


悉尼颁奖典礼还迎来了众多知名嘉宾,包括澳大利亚多所高校的副校长和副教务长、悉尼证券交易所主席王人庆、塔朗加动物园首席执行官卡梅隆·卡尔(Cameron Kerr)、澳中关系国家基金会主任玛丽亚·沃(Maria Vo)。澳中同学会主席程凯旋(Sara Cheng), 联席主席李晓光(Grace Li),执委会委员梅傲冬(Mei Aodong), 陈潇潇 (Angela Chen), 悉尼执委会委员徐海鹏 ( Roc Xu), Li Deng, Dion Woo, Lily Wang, Jessica Guo 等参会。支持机构包括澳大利亚驻华大使馆、昆士兰教育推广署、悉尼证券交易所、澳洲会计师公会(CPA Australia)、塔朗加动物园(Taronga Zoo)、Oroton集团、京东澳大利亚优品馆和Cook1788。


澳中同学会宣布,第十七届澳中校友奖提名将于2024年12月1日启动,欢迎所有澳中校友积极参与提名与自我提名, 所有提名可在澳中同学会网站 线上提交. 。2025年的颁奖典礼计划于2025年9月举办,届时将继续表彰在不同领域内作出突出贡献的优秀校友。


澳中同学会成立于2007年,是一个非营利组织,致力于加强澳中两国校友在教育、商业和文化领域的交流与合作, 表彰澳中校友的社会和行业贡献。澳中同学会成员覆盖澳,中两国,拥有超过30,000名澳中校友,自成立以来历任澳大利亚驻华大使均于在任期间任澳中同学会荣誉主席. 同学会与澳大利亚40所高校建立了长期的广泛的合作伙伴关系,为推动两国关系发展作出了重要贡献。





澳中杰出校友奖- Prof. Li-wei QIN (秦立巍) 大提琴家、新加坡国立大学大提琴系主任、教授

澳中年度青年校友奖- Mr. Leo Ou(欧泽超)  MEI AI创始人

澳中年度青年校友-评委表彰奖,Ms. Jolin JIANG(蒋钟毓) 青年作曲家、配乐师、唱作人

澳中校友商业成就奖 - Mr. Wing Cheung Joseph CHAN(陳永祥) AsiaPay Limited (联款通有限公司)  创始人、首席执行官

澳中校友商业成就奖 - Mr. Songyu GAO (高松谕)  BOMAN GROUP (博满集团)创始人、首席执行官

澳中校友艺术创意奖 - Mr. Yi SUN(孙毅)  SYDNEY SYMPONY ORCHESTRA (悉尼交响乐团)名誉副协奏长

澳中校友生命科学奖 - Prof. Xiao Fei ZHANG(张啸飞)  清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院临床流行病和生物统计室主任

澳中校友会会员评选奖 - Ms. Jessie XIAO(萧嘉敏)澳大利亚教育顾问中心总经理

澳中校友会会员评选 - 评委表彰奖,Ms. Yuezi WEN(温粤子) 法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)全球托管客户经理

澳中校友科研创新奖 - Mr. Wanqing CHEN(陈万青) 国家癌症中心,癌症早诊早治办公室主任

澳中校友杰出企业奖 - Mr. Chuan-Dong WEN(温传东) INWENTECH PTY LTD总裁、联合创始人,首席科学家

澳中校友女性领袖奖 - Ms. Sophie CHEN(陈晓飞)   中伦律师事务所 (Zhong Lun Law Firm),高级顾问

澳中校友女性领袖奖 - 评委表彰奖,Ms. Jessica WONG-SAUNDERSON(黃慧瑩)  MUMBLEME创始人

Study Queensland奖 - Mr. Fu-Sheng SHIAO(萧富升) E&Y (安永会计师事务所) 合伙人

澳中校友跨文化贡献奖章 - Ms. Michele ZHUANG(庄庄) Australia China Culture Media (ACCM) Group总裁

澳中校友媒体与沟通奖章 - Ms. Heidi Yaqi HAN(韩雅琦) 易百思特(ebest)市场营销与传播主管

澳中校友社会影响力奖章 - Mr. Steven CREIG(大头)  DMG Fine Wine中国首席代表

澳中校友社会影响力奖章 - Ms. Monika TU(涂燕翎)Black Diamondz Group创始人兼董事




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