2023 Australia-China Community Service Award

Australia China Community Service Award
This Award recognises alumni who have made an outstanding commitment to service in the community and society in China or Australia, and who have thereby bettered the lives of others through professional or volunteer efforts.

Miao Yu
University of Tasmania
University of Queensland

Henry luo

Michael Ouzas

Hebe Ren
Australian National University

Jason Ho

Brad Chan

Huiming Lin
Bond University
Australian National University

Huiting Chen
University of Melbourne

Liqiu Ni
Monash University

Bihong Wang
University of Melbourne

Larry Zhao
Monash University

Christopher Kong
University of Melbourne

Curt Shi
Macquarie University
Western Sydney University

Zitan Liu
Monash University
Charles Darwin University

Guandao Yang
University of Melbourne

Judy Gao
University of Melbourne
Victoria University

Yundou Li
University of Melbourne

Miao Yu
National President
Australia China Youth Association
University of Tasmania and University of Queensland Alumna
I am profoundly honored to be a finalist for the Study Queensland Alumni Award. Queensland was my academic home for six transformative years, where I earned master’s degrees in Chinese translation and education from the University of Queensland and Griffith University.
Through rigorous studies and cultural immersion, I honed expertise in Chinese translation and deepened my understanding of education dynamics. This diverse knowledge enables meaningful contributions to academia and culture.My dual master’s degrees represent a commitment to excellence, providing a comprehensive understanding of Chinese translation and education methodologies, along with vital cross-cultural experiences.
In tandem with studies, I actively engaged with the community. From participating and leading Australia China Youth Association (ACYA initiatives fostered cultural exchange, while teaching at the multiple Chinese Language Centers shared the richness of language and culture. Volunteering at Chinese festivals further bridged cultural gaps.
Consideration for the Study Queensland Alumni Award is a true honor, reflecting enriching years in Queensland. This experience, beyond academics, shaped my cultural awareness and community involvement. My heartfelt gratitude to ACAA for this recognition. Together, we strengthen bonds between Queensland and its global alumni community.

Henry Hao Luo
Reid Business Community Inc
TAFE NSW Alumnus
Henry Hao Luo has been dedicated to fostering civic engagement and building resilient communities. As the President of the Reid Business Community, he has worked tirelessly to empower multicultural citizens through civic education, community workshops, and social media campaigns. This work has not only strengthened the local community but has also created a sense of belonging and connectedness within the community.
His commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion led him to become one of the inaugural fellows in a NSW Diversity Fellowship program, where he learned to lead from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Operating WeChat and TikTok channels with tens of thousands of followers, organising community groups and forums, and even co-starring with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in a public advertisement have been part of his efforts to engage people and amplify their voices.
As a Justice of the Peace, a community leader, and a former IBM executive with extensive experience as a project management professional, he brings a unique set of skills to the table and showcases his achievements and contributions to the Australia-China community.
罗昊太平绅士一直致力于促进公民参与和建设有韧性的社区。作为Reid Business Community立德商社的主席,他不遗余力地通过公民教育、社区研讨会和社交媒体影响力来赋予来自于多元文化背景的公民以权力。这项工作不仅增强了社区凝聚力,还在社区中营造出了一种归属感和联系感。
他致力于促进多元化和包容性的承诺使他成为新南威尔士州的一项多元化研究员计划的首批研究员之一,通过该计划,他学会了如何更好的在多元文化和语言的背景下领导团队。他运营着拥有数万关注者的WeChat和Tik Tok频道,组织社区团体和论坛活动,甚至能与现任总理Anthony Albanese一同在一则公共广告中合作拍摄,这些都只是他吸引人们参与进来并增强他们的声音所做出的努力的一部分。

Sunny Liu
Communications Adviser of The Victorian Government, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Monash University and Charles Darwin Univesity alumna
A former Chinese international student in Australia, Zitan (Sunny) Liu has been an active part of the Australia-China space for the past eight years. Arriving in Melbourne at 17 years old, Sunny studied Journalism and Psychology at Monash University before working as a journalist for a local newspaper. In 2019, Sunny moved to Darwin, the Northern Territory, to pursue a Master of Teaching degree in Australia’s Top End. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sunny decided to help fellow international students in need by handing out free meals through the Kindness Shake initiative, a volunteer-led initiative that quickly grew and attracted national attention. She’s now the Vice-Chair of this not-for-profit organisation, connecting international students with the Australian community through employability workshops, cultural immersion programs, social events and the annual Kindness Festival. Sunny proudly represents and advocates for the well-being of Chinese international students, youths and the broader Chinese Australian community through her roles as a board member of the Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory, a 2021 NT Youth Week Ambassador and a StudyNT Student Ambassador. Sunny has also taught the Chinese language at local schools through the Charles Darwin University Confucius Institute.Sunny now works as a Communications Adviser at the Victorian Government in Melbourne.
从来自中国的国际留学生到现在澳洲社区积极的一员,刘子倓(Sunny Liu)在澳大利亚生活的八年时间里经历并成长了许多。Sunny在17岁那年从中国来澳大利亚墨尔本求学,在蒙纳士大学学习新闻传媒和心理学。本科期间,Sunny有幸在澳大利亚国立电视台ABC新闻节目和本地大型报纸实习,毕业后,Sunny成为了一名澳洲本地报社记者。在2019年,Sunny搬去了澳大利亚北领地首府达尔文,攻读教育研究生学位。在新冠疫情刚爆发期间,Sunny和一群国际留学生一起创办了Kindness Shake,每周为受到疫情影响的学生提供免费的爱心晚餐。两年多来,Kindness Shake现在已成为澳洲注册慈善组织,为上千名留学生在生活、就业、社交、文化方面提供了支持。每年的Kindness Festival国际学生节成为了澳大利亚北领地的一个大型活动,每年都有4000多人参与,了解和体验在澳洲的国际学生的才艺和丰富的文化底蕴。Sunny是北领地多元文化协会的理事会成员之一、2021年澳大利亚北领地青年周大使、StudyNT北领地教育署学生大使,并曾通过查尔斯大学孔子学院在本地小学教中文,传播中华文化。Sunny现在是维多利亚州政府的一位传媒顾问。

Michael Ouzas
President of Guangzhou Scorpions AFL
RMIT alumnus

Hebe Ren
Australian National University
Australian National University Alumna
Hebe is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the Australian National University. As a dedicated student advocate, her passion lies in supporting international students, enhancing their ANU experience, whether remotely or on campus, and fostering community engagements.
During the pandemic, she devoted substantial time to ANU’s International Students Department with several initiatives to help remote students find a sense of belonging. While in Australia, she coordinated large-scale Students Association events and actively sought the input of international student volunteers, incorporating essential workshops and diverse cultural elements into the programs.
As a student of international relations, she endeavors to connect with like-minded students. Recognizing the limited opportunities for international students in the Canberra job market in politics, she established ongoing career workshops and panels for them.
Hebe carries a deep sense of empathy toward international students, understanding the unique challenges they face navigating unfamiliar cultural environments. Her dedication to serving the student community in China and Australia is a testament to her will to help others and give back to the community.
Hebe 对国际学生怀有深厚的同理心。她知道作为国际学生适应不同文化、独立生活的不易,因此致力于帮助澳大利亚的中国国际学生群,希望他们有朝一日或许都可以叫这里自己的’家’。

Jason Ho
Founding Director
Mapping Workshop
RMIT University Alumnus
Jason is an architect, artist and educator. He is the founder of Mapping Workshop, and the director of FEI Arts Museum Guangzhou. He has taught and researched at a large number of universities across the globe, including RMIT University of Melbourne, The University of Hong Kong, The University of Pennsylvania, etc. He is currently holding an associate professor position at the School of Architecture at South China University of Technology, Guangzhou. In 2014, Jason launched Mapping Workshop in China, a cross-border social action group that focuses on underprivileged groups. Since then, the stories and works of Mapping Workshop have attracted frequent attention and coverage from more than 150 domestic and international medias. In 2021, Jason was awarded the title of “Artist of the Year” by New Weekly, one of the most influential magazines in China, in recognition of his contribution to art, architecture and humanity.
何志森是建筑师、艺术家和教育者,Mapping Workshop创始人,扉美术馆馆长,曾任教于美国宾夕法尼亚大学、香港大学和墨尔本皇家理工大学,现为华南理工大学建筑学院副教授。
2014年,何志森在中国发起建筑艺术跨界社会行动小组Mapping Workshop。在过去的10年间,有超过150家的国内外媒体以评论、访谈、新闻、电视节目以及跟踪拍摄的方式对何志森的作品和个人事迹进行过深度报道,2021年,何志森被《新周刊》杂志授予中国“年度艺术家”称号, 以表彰他对艺术、建筑和人文的贡献。

Brad Chan
Banna Property Group
University of Technology Sydney Alumnus
Brad is the CEO of Banna Property Group, a 3rd generation family business creating community destinations. In 2016, Brad founded Haymarket HQ, an innovation hub with a focus on helping startups grow into Asian markets. He established the Banna Foundation, the family group’s philanthropy arm which currently supports a range of charities including the UTS Humanitarian Scholarship for the past 5 years, and regularly volunteers his time to mentor young executives of diverse backgrounds.
In 2022, he led a group of community organisations to successfully launch Neon Playground, a festival of lights, arts, music and community to reactivate Sydney’s Chinatown. He continues his community service as the current President of the Haymarket Alliance and is on the City of Sydney Business Advisory Panel.
Brad was a previous board member of the Museum of Chinese in Australia, former President of the Haymarket Chamber of Commerce, former member of the City of Sydney Chinese New Year Advisory Committee and was inaugural President of the Australian Asian Association of Bennelong.
Brad is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Justice of the Peace in NSW and is currently a UTS Alumni Ambassador.
布拉德(Brad)是Banna Property Group的首席执行官,Banna Property Group是一家第三代家族企业,致力于创建社区目的地。2016年,布拉德(Brad)创立了Haymarket HQ,这是一个创新中心,致力于帮助初创企业成长为亚洲市场。他建立了Banna基金会,这是该家族集团的慈善部门,目前在过去5年中为包括UTS人道主义奖学金在内的一系列慈善机构提供支持, 并定期自愿安排时间指导不同背景的年轻高管。
布拉德(Brad)是澳大利亚中文博物馆的前董事会成员,干草市场商会前主席, 悉尼市农历新年顾问委员会前成员,也是本内隆澳大利亚亚洲协会的首任主席。

Huiming Lin
Managing Partner and Solicitor
Auslaw Partners
Bond University and Australian National University Alumnus
Mr Huiming Lin, graduated from Bond University of Queensland in 2016 and now acting as the Managing Partner of Auslaw Partners (www.auslaw.com.au), is among a rare breed of practitioners, who holds legal practice certificates across three countries: Australia, China, and New Zealand.
To demystify Australian law for broader audiences, Huiming has dedicated his efforts to developing educational resources. He has initiated the Auslaw Review (www.auslawreview.com.au), a first-of-its-kind platform for disseminating essential knowledge of Australian law in Chinese and published more than half a million words of original legal content, and some of Mr Huiming Lin’s key accomplishments include:
l 2023 Winner, Future Leader of Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA) Awards
l 2023 Finalist for New Partner of the Year (3 years or less) – Lawyers Weekly
l 2023 Selected for Most Influential Lawyers – Australasian Lawyers
l 2023 Awardee for Young Private Practice Lawyer of the Year – Australasian Law Awards
l 2022 Finalist for Nick Xynias Multicultural Young Business Person of the Year – Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Awards for Business
These roles and achievements underline Huiming’s unwavering dedication to enhancing legal access and understanding within Australia’s multicultural communities. Despite the demands of establishing and managing a rapidly growing law firm, he employs corporate management skills and takes corporate social responsibilities to meet the expectations of clients from multicultural communities.
林汇铭先生,于2016年毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰州邦德大学,现担任澳大利亚Auslaw Partners的执行合伙人,是一位罕见的从业者,拥有澳大利亚、中国和新西兰三个国家的法律执业证书。
为了向更广泛的受众解释澳大利亚法律,林汇铭先生致力于开发教育资源。他发起了Auslaw Review,这是一个首创的平台,用中文传播澳大利亚法律的重要知识,并发表了超过50万字的原创法律内容。此外,林汇铭先生的一些重要成就包括:
l 2023年澳大拉西亚法律实践管理协会(ALPMA)未来领袖奖获得者
l 2023年律师周刊(Lawyers Weekly)新合伙人奖(3年或以下)入围者
l 2023年被澳大拉西亚律师(Australasian Lawyers)选为最有影响力的律师
l 2023年澳大拉西亚法律大奖(Australasian Law Awards)年轻私人执业律师奖获得者
l 2022年布里斯班市长多元文化业务奖(Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Awards for Business)入围者

Huiting (Whitney) Chen, LLB, LLM
Education Committee and Environment Committee Member, University of Melbourne Student Union
The University of Melbourne Alumna
During my time at the University of Melbourne, I wholeheartedly dedicated myself to improving the lives and wellbeing of international students.
As a member of the Education Committee of UMSU, I actively advocated for educational reforms beneficial to international students, especially those from China. During my tenure, I successfully assisted the team in introducing ‘WAMnesty’—a policy that covers more than 50,000 students, allowing them to achieve better Weighted Average Marks (WAM) during the COVID-19 lockdown, mitigating the unprecedented impact of the pandemic on their academic performance. Furthermore, our team successfully advocated a significant amount of emergency support funding for international students, leading the university to allocate approximately 16 million dollars to assist those facing financial hardships.
Working in the Welfare Department of the UMSU International, I did my utmost to meet the needs of international students, organising activities from providing advice on visa issues to improving students’ mental health and wellbeing.
As the Events Director (2020-2021) and Marketing Officer (2019-2020) of the MCLS, I committed myself to enhancing the interaction between law students and legal professionals, establishing a platform for cultural and professional exchange between Australia and China.
Meanwhile, serving as the Treasurer (2020-2021) and Vice President (2019-2020) of MLMSA, I focused on sustainable and inclusive financial policies, ensuring that the events and activities were accessible to students of all backgrounds. I was the first Chinese student in the association’s history to be elected as Vice President. This position enabled me to amplify the voices and concerns of Chinese students, adding a layer of representation that was previously underrepresented in MLMSA’s leadership.
I also became the first Chinese student chosen as the Melbourne Law Masters’ Student Representative for the GLSA, advocating for the concerns and views of Chinese law students and further promoting a conducive environment for Chinese-Australian cross-border legal discussions.
Additionally, I volunteered as a teacher in the weekly free KWM Chinese Language Classes and have been invited for several years to serve as a judge in the Chinese-English Negotiation Competition. In total, I accumulated over 2,000 hours of volunteer work during my Master of Laws program.
Currently, I continue to contribute as a mentor in the University of Melbourne’s mentor program, sharing experiences and advice with current students. Simultaneously, I am studying a second graduate-level course at the University of Melbourne and again elected to be a member of UMSU, further demonstrating my ongoing commitment to the student community.
Outside of campus activities, I am proud to be one of the founding members of Pink Phoenix, a dragon boat club composed of breast cancer survivors and supporters. This initiative provides an excellent platform for emotional and physical rehabilitation for breast cancer survivors. By promoting traditional Chinese water sports, we not only strive to spread Chinese cultural heritage but also offer a strong support network for breast cancer survivors in Australia. The club symbolizes resilience and unity, empowering individuals to find strength and community through sports.
It is my heartfelt belief that community service is not a one-off activity, but a lifelong commitment. My aim has always been to make a lasting, positive impact on the lives of others. I am passionate about continuously bettering myself so that I can, in turn, serve my community more effectively.
除了校园活动外,还很自豪地成为了Pink Phoenix的创始成员之一,这是一个由乳腺癌幸存者和支持者组成的龙舟俱乐部。这一举措为乳腺癌幸存者提供了一个极佳的情感和身体康复平台。通过推广传统的中国水上运动,不仅努力传播中国文化遗产,还为澳大利亚的乳腺癌幸存者提供了强大的支持网络。该俱乐部是坚韧不屈和团结一致的精神象征,让个人能通过运动获得力量并融入群体。

Liqiu Ni
Honorary President
Yarra Chinese Mini-Fiction Writers’ Association of Australia
RMIT University and Monash University Alumna
In 2014 – 2018, as the Training Administrator of Australian Institute of Translation and Interpretation (AITI), Liqiu Ni updated/developed 28 assessment tools.
In 2022 – 2023, as the General Manager and Academic Manager of Melbourne Campus, Sydney Institute of Interpreting and Translating (SIIT), Liqiu Ni completed the renovation of the Campus facility, built the Campus staff team and updated 15 assessment tools.
In 2021 – 2023, as the President of Yarra Chinese Mini-Fiction Writers’ Association of Australia, Liqiu Ni acted as an editor-in-chief and published three collections of the Association members’ writings, initiated the Australian Chinese Forums and conducted Zoom webinars on a monthly basis. She invited a large number of writers, scholars, translators and interpreters as guest speakers for the webinars, recorded the webinars and shared those recordings via YouTube.
Liqiu Ni’s publications:
· Xin Yimin Xiaoshuo Yanjiu (A study on fiction works by overseas Chinese writers)
· Shenzhou Neiwai Dong Zou Xi Qiao (Insights of China and beyond)
· Advanced Chinese Reading and Comprehension
· Chinese Writing
· Where East Meets West (A selection of translated poems)
· Weiguan Tianxia (Outlooks of the World around Us: A Collection of Writings)
· Yala Hepan (The Yarra Riverfront)
· Guojie (The Festival)
· 143 translated poems (English into Chinese)
· More than 100 papers and other writings published in China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Singapore, Australia, the United States of America, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.
· 《新移民小说研究》(研究专著,上海交通大学出版社,2009)
· 《神州内外东走西瞧》(散文集,台湾秀威出版社,
· 《中文阅读与鉴赏》(高校教材,新加坡新跃大学出版,2007)
· 《中文写作》(高校教材,新加坡新跃大学出版,
· 《东西文化的交汇点》(When East Meets West)(翻译集,澳大利亚金桥国际,2013)
· 《微观天下》(编著,澳大利亚华文微型小说学会,
· 《雅拉河畔》(编著,澳大利亚华文微型小说学会,
· 《过节》(编著,澳大利亚华文微型小说学会,
· 已在中国(含港澳台)、新加坡、澳大利亚、美国、印尼、马来西亚等国家发表散文、论文、访谈、杂谈、译作等数百篇,短消息、通讯若干则,总计300余万字。

Bihong Wang
Asian Business Association of Whitehorse
University of Melbourne Alumna
Leading as the President of ABAW has been an incredible journey, one filled with achievements that I hold close to my heart. Through our collective efforts, we’ve made a significant impact on the local economy, generating $4.5 million through our projects. What truly warms my heart is the fact that over 350,000 people have attended our ABAW events, showing the power of bringing communities together.
Charity work has always been a passion of mine, and I’m proud to say that we’ve raised over $50,000 for charitable causes. One of the most memorable moments was organising a group of 200 marathon runners to participate in the Melbourne Marathon for charity – a testament to what we can achieve when we unite for a common good.
But beyond the numbers, my greatest joy comes from promoting Chinese culture in Australia and fostering cross-cultural cooperation and understanding. This has always been a personal mission, and I’m thrilled to see it thriving within our community.
Above all, I want to be a beacon of hope for Chinese migrants, both those who have just arrived and those who have been here for generations. I want them to feel a sense of belonging and unity in this beautiful country we call home.
My journey with ABAW has been a remarkable one, and I hope to continue making a positive impact on our society, celebrating diversity and creating a brighter future for all.

Larry Zhao
Founder and President
Asian Business Association of Wyndham (ABAW)
Monash University Alumnus
Larry Zhao, Founder and President of Asian Business Association of Wyndham (ABAW), has been deeply rooted in the community since the organisation was established in 2018. Five years may not seem to be a long time, but it has been proven long enough for Larry and his ABAW to make significant contribution and impact to his beloved communities.
He and his team successfully organised many multicultural community events including iconic events such as Moon Festival and Tachi Wushu classes. During the pandemic, Larry managed to overcome huge challenges and organised mask donation and distribution for the elders and vulnerable residents. In 2022, Larry and his team started to deliver community cultural and sports events again, such as Australia Day Celebration, community Sports Day, Table Tennis, Badminton and Basketball Tournaments, and the Moon Festival which has received support from Wyndham Council, VIC government and Federal Government.
In the past years, Larry has dedicated and contributed his time, energy and recourses to help building Victoria into a harmonious and inclusive community. He has built up close collaborations with ethnic groups from different backgrounds including Indian, Bangladesh, Philippine and many others in supporting each other’s cultural and traditional celebrations. He has recently been elected as the Vice President of the Australian Council of Multicultural Entrepreneurs.
Larry has been passionate about volunteering since he was studying at the Monash University. During that time, he founded the very first Chinse Student Association of Monash which has been helping thousands of international students until today.
云登亚洲商会(ABAW)创始人兼主席赵侠,自2018年组织成立以来就深深扎根于社区。五年的时间看似不长,但事实证明已经足够长了。 赵侠和他的商会为他所热爱的社区做出了重大贡献和影响。
疫情期间,赵侠克服了巨大的挑战,为老年人和弱势居民组织了口罩捐赠和分发。 2022年,赵侠和他的团队重新开始举办社区文化体育活动,如澳大利亚国庆日、社区运动日、乒乓球、羽毛球和篮球锦标赛以及中秋节,这些活动得到了云登市议会、维州政府和联邦政府的支持。

Christopher Kong
Crouching Tiger Network
University of Melbourne Alumnus
Christopher Kong grew up in Australia, before holding senior executive roles in China & Singapore. Over the past 20 years, he has led data-driven digital transformation in the consumer goods sector.
Since returning to Australia in 2021, his commitment to community service has only deepened. He has:
· Served as a member of the Asian Australian Foundation’s Granting Committee, shaping an Asian philanthropic presence in Australia.
· Been a Member of Project Rozana’s Governance/Risk Committee, building peace between Israelis and Palestinians through healthcare initiatives.
· Served as an Honorary Fellow within the Enterprise Specialist Network at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Business & Economics, bridging the gap between academia and industry.
· Been entrusted to serve as a Board Observer at the Australian Children’s Laureate Foundation, enriching the lives of young Australians through stories.
This year, he established the Crouching Tiger Network (CTN), supporting ‘unnoticed’ professionals to tap into networking to succeed in their careers.
孔令恒(Christopher Kong)成长于澳大利亚,后在中国和新加坡担任高级管理职位。在过去的20年里,他在消费品行业领域引领了其基于数据驱动的数字化转型。
* 担任亚洲澳大利亚基金会(Asian Australian Foundation)资助委员会成员,助力于塑造亚裔的慈善形象以及鼓励亚裔成为慈善家,为慈善事业捐款。
* 担任 Project Rozana 组织的治理/风险委员会成员,通过医疗合作计划促进以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的和平。
* 在墨尔本大学商学与经济学院企业专家网络担任名誉研究员,弥合了学术界与产业界之间的鸿沟。
* 被委以在澳大利亚儿童桂冠基金会(Australian Children’s Laureate Foundation)担任董事会观察员的责任,鼓励澳大利亚青少年阅读和写作以丰富他们的生活。
今年,他创立了 Crouching Tiger Network(源于中国成语卧虎藏龙),简称CTN,帮助那些 “未被发掘” 的专业人士通过拓展人脉,从而在事业上取得成功。

Curt Shi
Founding Partner
Imprint Capital Partners
Macquarie University and Western Sydney University Alumnus
Curt Shi is an investor with over two decades of experience in early-stage investment and cross-border ventures. Since 1999, Curt has actively engaged in China’s TMT entrepreneurial community, leveraging his entrepreneurial background to successfully manage funds in both China and Australia, achieving profitable exits in American and Australian capital markets. His investment focus spans China, the US, Israel, and the South Pacific.
In 2008, Curt founded Imprint Capital Partners to capitalize on venture investment opportunities in the TMT sector and other private placement opportunities across a broad range of creative industries. The portfolio includes companies like Airtasker, Catapult Group International, and Sezzle, with the latter two realizing 20x returns on the ASX. In 2015, he co-founded Follow[the]Seed, a post-seed venture fund that uses a unique predictive analytical model to identify future unicorns. This fund’s portfolio includes ASX-listed company Jayride, Salt Security which recently won the 2023 API Award for Best API Security, and Whiterabbit.AI, which clinched the 2023 AI TECH award for healthcare AI. In 2018, he established the US-based Welinder & Shi Capital, a lifestyle-themed fund. Portfolio companies CAKE and SYNG were nominated for Time magazine’s ‘Best 100 Inventions’ in 2021.
Recently, his focus shifted to digital assets and web3, leading him to invest in one of the top projects in the web3 space, STEPN, a move2earn NFT Game-Fi project for mobile devices. This project aims to help millions of runners adapt to Web 3.0 and simultaneously counteract global warming through on-chain governance. Although the founders are Chinese, they started the project in Australia, and Curt was one of STEPN’s earliest investors. His investment in STEPN yielded a 1600x return in just 6 months. He recently established the Prodigital Future Fund in Hong Kong, emphasizing the nurturing of Chinese-founded web3 projects and facilitating their global expansion. He is also the newest General Partner at Boson Ventures, an early-stage Australian venture capital firm with Chinese leadership at the helm. Boson Ventures’ inaugural fund, launched in 2021, outperformed the median vintage fund of that year, boasting an impressive IRR of 52% compared to 5.73%. Curt is deeply committed to fostering a healthier commercial relationship between China and Australia, a commitment evident throughout his career journey.
侍海(Curt)是一位拥有二十多年早期投资和跨境合作经验的投资者。自1999年以来,Curt 一直活跃于中国的 TMT 创业社区,在成功管理中国和澳大利亚的基金时,充分发挥了自己的创业背景,实现了在美国和澳大利亚资本市场的盈利退出。他的投资焦点涵盖了中国、美国、以色列和南太平洋。
2008年,Curt创办了Imprint Capital Partners,旨在捕捉TMT行业的创业投资机会以及其他跨多种创意产业的私募投资机会。该投资组合包括像Airtasker、Catapult Group International和Sezzle这样的公司,其中后两者在ASX上实现了20倍的回报。2015年,他与他人共同创建了Follow[the]Seed,这是一个使用独特的预测分析模型来识别未来独角兽的后种子风险投资基金。该基金的投资组合包括在ASX上市的Jayride公司,近期赢得2023年最佳API安全奖的Salt Security,以及赢得2023年医疗AI领域AI TECH奖的Whiterabbit.AI。2018年,他在美国创立了以生活方式为主题的Welinder & Shi Capital基金。投资组合公司CAKE和SYNG在2021年被《时代》杂志提名为“最佳100项发明”。
最近,他的关注点转向了数字资产和web3,这使他投资了web3领域的顶尖项目之一,STEPN,一个面向移动设备的move2earn NFT Game-Fi项目。该项目旨在帮助数百万跑步者适应Web 3.0,并通过链上治理同时减缓全球变暖。创始人是中国人,但他们在澳大利亚创建了该项目并获得了成功,而Curt是STEPN的最早期投资者之一。他在STEPN的投资在短短6个月内产生了1600倍的回报。他最近在香港创办了Prodigital Future Fund,重点是培养和支持中国人创办的web3项目,并推动它们在全球范围内的扩张。他还是Boson Ventures的最新合伙人,这是一家由中国领导层领导的澳大利亚早期风险投资公司。Boson Ventures 2021年推出的首个基金在当年的其他同类基金中表现出色,其令人印象深刻的内部回报率达到52%,而当年的平均值为5.73%。Curt深深致力于培养中国和澳大利亚之间更为健康的商业关系,他的职业旅程就是对这一承诺的最佳体现

Guandao Yang
Managing Director
Hywin Family Office
University of Melbourne Alumnus
Guandao currently oversees corporate strategy and promotes family office business at Hywin, a NASDAQ-listed Chinese market leader in wealth management. Before joining Hywin, He held a variety of senior positions at Pingan Group and CreditEase. Guandao is widely recognized as an accomplished expert in finance who values dedication, service, and excellence. He is a Certified Private Banker (CPB), a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and a Project Management Professional (PMP). He was invited to be a special guest at the 2022 CFP E-fund China Financial Planner Competition, and was named to the FPSB’s 2022 Chinese Elite Private Bankers list and the Dragon Foundation’s 2012 Top 100 Global Young Leaders list. He is often invited by corporations, forums, and social groups to share POVs in the wealth management sector. Additionally, he has been an active finance columnist in mainstream media. He volunteers to improve social financial literacy for better lives and empower people to make sound financial decisions.
Guandao serves on the University of Melbourne Shanghai Alumni Council. He is concurrently a Corporate Ambassador at HEC Paris and a mentor at both the University of Melbourne and SUFE. He is passionate about making positive impacts on the careers and daily lives of young alumni. Personally, Guandao is a certified senior tea sommelier and a registered golf referee at the China Golf Association. He usually organizes various activities to unite and vitalize the entire Melbourne-Shanghai community and even the wider Australia-China community.
杨关道先生以专业第一的成绩毕业于墨尔本大学。他现兼任墨尔本大学及上海财经大学导师,巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris)企业大使,乐于为年轻校友及在校学生提供职业与生活上的指导及建议。生活中,他是一名高级茶艺师及评茶员,同时也是一位高尔夫球国家一级裁判员和麻将运动员。他积极地通过高尔夫和茶道等方式凝聚澳中校友群体。

Judy Gao
Three Board Director Positions
AFL Asia, Australia China Young Professionals Initiative & Executive Wealth Circle Australia Community Engagement Inc.
University of Melbourne and Victoria University Alumna
An inspiring strong woman in leadership in community & advocacy on multicultural and geopolitical affairs, with deep seated passion to make a difference and large-scale impactful initiatives, Judy sits in various Asia Australia related boards as executive and non-executive board directors and has professional industry councillor role and has committed almost all of her personal time into these roles.
Judy is the inaugural female Board Member at AFL Asia Advisory Board, elected by AFL clubs in over 20 countries across Asia in 2022. Judy provides strong governance and community advocacy leadership to grow AFL clubs in over 20 countries across Asia.
Judy is Board Vice Chair at the Australia-China Young Professionals Initiative (ACYPI) – the single largest young professional and entrepreneurs organisation in the Australia-China space. Judy leads a global team on strategic governance to serving over 3,000 young professional and entrepreneurs members across nine cities in Australia and China.
As executive Board Director at Executive Wealth Circle Australia Community Engagement Inc, she works with other influential established Asian Australian board members to provide an influential high-level networking platform connecting entrepreneurial like-minded Asian Australian newcomers and diaspora groups into the wider Australian community.
Judy is also finance industry leader, as CPA Victoria Divisional Councillor elected by CPA Victoria members, Judy represents 40,000 CPA Victoria members and champion social cohesion and diversity in the finance industry.
Judy now works at Victoria State Government and has changed her career from accounting to strategic communications to fulfill her passion and determination on community service in her professional life as well.
Judy 在多元文化和地缘政治事务方面是具有很强的社会倡导和领导力的女性领袖。她担任很多亚洲和澳大利亚相关董事会的执行和非执行董事,并担任专业行业州议员职务。怀揣着坚定的信念,Judy孜孜不倦持之以恒的将她自己的绝大部分时间都投入于开创对社会产生积极影响力的大规模的社区新举措。
Judy还是金融行业的领导者,作为澳大利亚注册会计师公会(CPA)选举出的维多利亚州的州议员,她代表着4万名CPA维多利亚州会员,并在金融行业中倡导社会凝聚和多元文化。最主要除了以上这些社区领导职务,为了遵从她自己致力于服务社区的决心,她成功转换了专业工作, 从注册会计师转换到战略宣传团队作为州政府公务员直接服务整个维州社区。

Yundou Li
University of Melbourne Alumna
In 2019 and 2023, I respectively participated in the organization and establishment of the Institute of Chinese Engineers Australia and the Australian Building and Property Association (VIC) Inc. The ICEA has grown to include over 4,000 engineers and engineering graduates across Australia. We utilize platforms like WeChat groups to facilitate daily technical exchanges and organize multiple engineering-related knowledge seminars and social events annually. We also run a mentorship program to promote the career development of graduates and young engineers in Australia.
The ABPA was registered in April 2023 and officially launched in July. To date, it has nearly 60 Australian businesses joined in the development and construction industry, including renowned companies like Rothelowman and Ratio Consultants. Within a span of two months, we have conducted more than five events, including industry explorations and knowledge seminars. The association’s mission is to enhance the industry influence of professionals and businesses with Chinese backgrounds in Australia.
我于2019年和2023年分别参与组织和创办ICEA澳洲华人工程师协会以及维州建筑协会。ICEA华人工程协会发展至今在全澳已有超过4000名工程师以及工程毕业生,我们使用微信社群等平台促进日常技术交流,并每年举办多次工程相关的知识讲座和社交活动,也开展导师计划,促进毕业生或者年轻工程师在澳洲更好的职业发展。ABPA维州建筑协会注册与2023年4月,于7月正式推出,到目前已有近60家开发与建筑相关的企业加入,包括知名企业Rothelowman和Ratio Consultants,2个月期间已开展超过5次活动,包括产业探索,知识讲座等。协会的使命是促进澳洲华人背景的企业和专业人员的行业影响力。