2022 Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award

AMET – Young Australia China Alumni of the Year Award
This award is open to all alumni who are not yet 35 years old and are involved in fields of employment, community service or voluntary work.
All nominees should demonstrate integrity, initiative and innovation and be on a fast trajectory to leadership in their field.
This award recognises the achievements of our young alumni and celebrates their outstanding talent, accomplishments, and the contributions they have made to the wider Australia-China community.
This Award is sponsored by AMET Education.
AMET Education Group was established in 1991. The head office is located in Brisbane, Queensland. AMET Education helps thousands of students every year to make their dream of studying in Australia come true. AMET Education Australia Group is a comprehensive large-scale company with a network of offices around Globally. AMET Education offers the complete range of services to international students including, study consultations, overseas student health cover (OSHC) as well as assistance with their document processing, airport pick-ups, opening bank accounts, communicating with schools, document translation, and more.

Steven Bai

Kitty Shao

Bocong Sun

Minxian Xu

Guandao Yang

Wenwei Zhong

Steven Bai
CEO and Co-Founder, Sencity Corporation
University of Sydney Alumnus
Sencity 纽约创意科技集团首席执行官兼联合创始人
Steven Bai, a multi award-winning, anti-disciplinary technology executive, co-founded Sencity Corporation with the singleminded aim of connecting urbanites to the environments they live in. Moving to Hobart, Tasmania from China at the age of 14, Steven’s unique cultural background equipped him with an outstanding vision of leading team members from different culture demographics. His company helped generated more than 100 jobs & internships in Australia, China, USA and Dubai within two years time and has created innovative products that were widely recognized by the industry.
Steven’s practice investigates the role of design-led innovation and technology in positively shaping living experiences in the built environments. Sencity, now rooted in New York, has witnessed a series of collaborations with the fashion, art, and technology industries, with successful projects across more than 25 cities around the globe including New York, Sydney and Beijing.
Steven completed his Bachelor of Design Computing with First Class Honours at the University of Sydney, and his Honours research in persuasive technology was awarded with the University Medal. Prior to his CEO role in Sencity, he was contracted to work with Fortune 500 companies whose services reach millions of users across mobile, desktop, InFlight Entertainment Systems, the IoT and Urban Inventions. His contributions to the Australian and Chinese community were also well-known and he was awarded with the John C Hansanyi Alumni Award in 2015 by the University of Sydney. Mr.Bai was also listed as Forbes 30 Under 30s and Huron 30 Under 30s in 2021.
“Steven’s team made up of Australian and Chinese alumni designing an innovative product to help drive sustainability. This is the future of work in our globalized economy…” Dr Michael Spence, the President and Provost of University College London, and the former Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sydney.
“The future holds the promise of interactive environments building active communities which bring us all closer together. Sencity is helping build that future.”
Sean O’Sullivan, the Co-founder of MapInfo, Founder and Managing partner of SOS Ventures.
Apart from steering the ship at Sencity, Steven is also a competitive swimmer, book reader, and a keen ice-skater.
白林松 (Steven Bai)是Sencity Corporation科技公司的联合创始人兼CEO,在澳洲、中国和美国均设有团队的Sencity是线下元宇宙行业的全球头部企业,致力于通过打造科技与艺术的跨界产品来推动人类宜居环境(Built Environments)的迭代从而释放更多城市幸福感。
从14岁白林松便独自一人游学澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚,17岁时他独自创办了首次个人科技设计展。2014年白林松以全校第一的成绩毕业于悉尼大学建筑、设计与规划系获得一等荣誉学位(First Class Honours),他在诱导式科技与建成环境领域的杰出研究成果获得了大学奖章(University Medal), 随后他在全球交互科技产业的杰出贡献也让他在2015年获得John Harsanyi杰出校友奖牌。作为数百万人青睐的缤纷悉尼科技艺术节(Vivid Sydney)上首位华人科技设计师,白林松带领团队连续四年获奖包括美国爱迪生金奖和悉尼设计金奖,是唯一一个获此殊荣的华人科技领导者。白林松在职业生涯早期就直接、间接参与了众多拥有过千万用户使用的产品设计,曾为美国Pixar动画公司和IBM提供创意咨询,同时在2021年被列为福布斯30 Under 30和胡润30 Under 30的杰出青年创新企业家。
致力于通过科技与创意的手段来为中澳两国的创新产业贡献更多努力,现英国UCL大学和前悉尼大学校长Dr Michael Spence在采访时评价到“白林松的团队有中澳两国校友,通过创新创意来推动可持续空间的建设,这是未来全球化协作的体现”。美国SOSV资本和MapInfo创始人评价“白林松和Sencity给了我们对未来宜居环境的美好承诺,让习惯线上数字生活的我们也能重新感受公共空间的活力和积极互动”。

Kitty Shao
Victoria University Alumna
Young female entrepreneurs skillfully applied the western management philosophy learned in Australia to the organizational change and cultural innovation of her family business. The business, called Yongheng Poultry Industry, deals in providing the feed and veterinary medicine of white feather broiler, which serves this kind of farmers and clients of Anshan City. She took two months to set up a new Sales Department of the company and created a sales team with its own corporate culture, which provided pharmaceutical services to customers with an honest attitude to help treat chicken diseases and reduce costs, so as to achieve the goal of win-win cooperation.
In the process of the company’s organizational culture reform, she led the company to abandon temporary profits and truly achieved the main goal of solving customer needs and helping farmers maximize their interests. They can accurately detect the bacteria through scientific drug sensitivity experiments, which can directly determine which drug is sensitive to the bacteria, instead of blindly using many kinds of drugs in the traditional veterinary way. This made the overall breeding profit of cooperative customers increase by 10% or even more.
During the pandemic and weaker market situation, she changed her sales mode in time and adopted a combination of online and offline sales, which led to a sharp increase in market development and sales performance. In three months in 2021, the sales volume of the Department increased from about 100000 yuan per month to more than one million yuan per month, which also solved the problem of the low commission-based salary of employees during the pandemic.
While leading the staff to work hard, she also encourages everyone to help local people in need through their own efforts. During the epidemic peak, our employees donated money and materials with a total amount of 100000 yuan, which solved the urgent needs of many people.
She actively supports the local government’s public welfare projects such as a student support fund, and has donated tens of thousands of yuan to the public welfare organization called “Starry Sky”.
In the first half of 2022, the epidemic recurred, and she led her staff to donate clothes, food and daily necessities totally 50000 yuan to the relevant staff at the local and overseas border checkpoints. At the same time, she led her staff volunteered to help local farmers solve the problems of feed and drug transportation during the period of epidemic control. In total, more than 200 vehicles were coordinated and organized, more than 20000 tons of feed were transferred, and more than 50 workers were coordinated and organized to help farmers reduce losses as much as possible.
Kitty Shao has applied what she has learnt at an Australian university to a typical traditional rural business environment in order to help her family company and bring greater prosperity to local villagers.

Bocong Sun
Encubator Pty Ltd CEO & Founder
Chinese Influencer Solution CEO & Founder
University of Sydney Alumna
In 2018, Tina established the company Encubator. For 4 years, she led the team to serve more than 300+ Chinese and Australian enterprises, including DFS, Estee Lauder, Derucci and other brands. Encubator has helped many businesses achieve 50% – 200% growth in varying degrees of success.
The company is committed to becoming a bridge between the Chinese and Australian enterprises market, a bridge for Sino-Australian trade, which provide more market development opportunities for local brands and help them better integrate into this multicultural market. Chinese Influencer Solution (CHIS) was established in 2020 as the first Chinese MCN agency in Australia to tap the Australian based Chinese influencers and help local brands enter the Chinese market in a cost-effective way. CHIS has cooperated with more than 2,000 influencers in China and Australia.
Encubator established the first Australia-China live-stream event during the pandemic in 2020, through which the best local products were sold to Asia, including China, Malaysia and Vietnam. The event achieved $92K in sales and helped the local businesses to make profit during the period of covid pandemic. She successfully led the team to host the first Sydney Family Expo in 2022 as co-organiser, with over 12k local families attending and over 1.5 million multicultural exposure across different social channels. To become a promoter of multicultural development and a bridge for Sino-Australian cultural and trade exchanges is the direction and driving force she has been working towards.
Previous awards:
2022 city suburbs business person of the year finalist
2022 young small business champion entrepreneur finalist
2018年成立公司创伴品牌研究中心Encubator,4年时间,带领团队服务超300+中澳企业,含DFS,Estee Lauder,Derucci等品牌,成功帮助多家澳洲本地企业实现了80% -200%增长。公司致力于成为中澳企业市场落地桥梁,是国货出海落地澳洲和澳洲本地企业落地中国市场最佳选择,成为多家企业长期信赖的全案市场策划公司。
2020年成立创伴MCN公司与旗下CHINESE INFLUENCER SOLUTION品牌,成为澳大利亚第一家中国MCN机构,进一步为澳洲本地企业提供定制化中国市场解决方案。成为首家布局澳洲华裔博主领域,旗下公司合作中澳两国博主超2000名。并于2020年首创活动IP“悉尼主播正当红”澳洲首届带货主播比赛,为疫情下品牌提供解决方案。2021年“主播请就位”活动超出业务目标150%。2022年,带领团队成功布局电商领域,为国货出海提供强有力支持。并于2022年成功承办首届澳洲家庭展会,共迎超万澳洲本地家庭,服务近百企业。
2022 city suburbs business person of the year finalist
2022 young small business champion entrepreneur finalist

Minxian Xu
Associate Professor
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Melbourne Alumnus
A/Prof. Minxian Xu obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2019. He is currently an Associate Professor at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his research focuses on cloud computing resource scheduling, and microservice-based application management. He has been selected as Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel.
As principal investigator, he has been supported by 10+ competitive research grants, including government grants like the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Key R & D plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He has co-authored 40+ peer-reviewed papers published in prominent international journals and conferences (including 20+ ACM/IEEE Transactions and JCR Q1/Q2 papers) and applied for 10+ patents. His research outputs have been utilized by leading companies such as Alibaba, Huawei, and Siemens.
He has been invited to give keynotes/oral presentations 10+ times. He has been the Program Chair/Technical Program Committee of 10+ international conferences, e.g. IEEE/ACM CCGRID, IEEE ScalCom, and IEEE HDIS. He is also the active reviewer for 40+ journals in the computer science area. His Ph.D. Thesis was awarded the 2019 IEEE TCSC Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award (5 recipients only). For teaching achievement, he was awarded the “Excellent Teacher Award” at SIAT.
徐敏贤副研究员于2019年获得澳大利亚墨尔本大学博士学位,现为中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院副研究员,主要研究方向为云计算资源调度、微服务应用管理等,入选深圳市海外高层次人才。作为项目负责人,主持及参与了国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发计划等10余项科研项目。已发表高水平论文40余篇(包括ACM/IEEE Transactions、JCR一二区文章20+篇),申请专利10余项,相关研究成果被应用到阿里巴巴、华为、西门子等行业龙头企业。曾受邀进行会议主题报告、口头报告10余次。担任CCGRID、ScalCom、HDIS等10余个会议的程序主席、程序委员会成员,常年担任40余个期刊会议的审稿人。博士毕业论文获得2019 IEEE TCSC颁发的Outstanding博士毕业论文奖(仅5人获奖)。教学方面获得中科院深圳先进院”优秀教师奖”。

Guandao Yang
Strategy Director
Hywin Wealth (NASDAQ: HYW)
University of Melbourne Alumnus
Guandao currently oversees corporate strategy and promotes family office business at Hywin, a NASDAQ-listed Chinese market leader in wealth management. Before joining Hywin, He held a variety of senior positions at Pingan Group and CreditEase. Guandao is widely recognized as an accomplished expert in finance who values dedication, service, and excellence. He is a Certified Private Banker (CPB) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and has been an active finance columnist in mainstream media. He was invited to be a special guest at the 2022 CFP E-fund China Financial Planner Competition, and was named to the FPSB’s 2022 Chinese Elite Private Bankers list and the Dragon Foundation’s 2012 Top 100 Global Young Leaders list. Additionally, Guandao serves on the University of Melbourne Shanghai Alumni Council, and is concurrently a mentor at both University of Melbourne and SUFE. Personally, Guandao is a certified senior tea sommelier and a registered golf referee at China Golf Association.

Wenwei Zhong
Associate Professor
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
University of New South Wales Alumna
Graduated with a bachelor degree in chemical engineering (Hons Class 1) from UNSW Sydney, Wenwei Zhong continued to pursue her doctorate degree at UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology at UNSW. After completing her Ph.D study in Sep. 2017, she returned to China and joined Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS (Nansha branch). Particularly she is devoted to bring the advanced separation technology using membrane science into the pharmaceutical processing of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), help thriving the modernization of TCM industry.
She has developed a close relationship and collaboration with UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies (CTET) at Yixing China, and bridged with CAS in attracting one of the most prestigious grants from China Ministry of Science and Technology on membrane technology in the modernization of pharmaceutical manufacturing of TCM with a total of ¥8.5 million. Partnering with National Technician Committee on membrane of standardization administration of China and CTET, she is now leading an industry standard in membrane concentration technology in TCM processing.
She has co-founded a biotechnology company named Guangzhou Bio-green Technology Ltd., Co. in 2020, and was granted the Award of Excellence at the 1st China Post-doctoral Innovation & Entrepreneurs Competition on our project entitled ‘membrane emulsification for the production of tuneable microspheres with sustained release’ in 2021.
She joined Guangdong Pharmaceutical University as an associate professor in 2022 and now lectures 4 undergraduate courses, including TCM industrial practice and entrepreneurship. She is now also a mentor of innovation and entrepreneurship at Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute Nansha Youth Entrepreneur Hub.
The Australian education values a lot in practice and innovation, and she hopes to incorporate these values into her career path in education, research and entrepreneurship.