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ACAA Toastmasters Club

Have you longed to improve your communication and public speaking skills in English but haven't found the best avenue?


Have you been eager to belong to a supportive and fun group that combines social and professional skill development in one setting?


Have you envisaged an existing group of people who share the same great passion as you, regardless of which city you are travelling to or relocating to?


Toastmasters may be the opportunity you’ve been looking for! They are a US-headquartered NGO with nearly 100 years of history helping people improve their communication skills, public speaking and leadership. Toastmasters has clubs across the world, and has almost 400,000 members! You’re in good company.


Supported by Scanlon Foundation, ACAA is currently preparing to establish its unique Toastmasters Zoom Club, focusing on people from non-English speaking backgrounds who use English in a professional environment.  Only 20-25 spots are available, you can join from anywhere!

我们都知道沟通在职业生涯和日常生活中有多么重要,而在公众场合下演讲对许多人来说,又会是多么令人生畏;为帮助同学们和校友们建立与他人沟通的信心,成为更好的演讲者和领导者,ACAA与拥有百年历史,在140个国家建立了16,000多家俱乐部的Toastmasters International合作,建立第一家ACAA Toastmasters Club(线上)。


ACAA Toastmasters Club活动中大家可以感受到俱乐部常规活动的安排,人人参与的特质,新手和经验丰富的演讲者都有机会发言并获得建设性和积极的反馈。体验活动中我们将解释Toastmasters Club的框架,参与者的角色,以及它怎样协助你提高演讲沟通技能,树立信心,培养领导能力。


Learn more about Toastmasters, please check here and read the introduction.

Q & A


Why Join the ACAA Bilingual Toastmasters Club?
  • ACAA TM Club will especially target people who are not native English speakers, creating a comfortable environment for them to improve communication skills. 

  • It offers tailored programs to suit people with different experiences to help them overcome language and cultural challenges. 

  • The club shall create a multi-cultural environment.

  • Through Zoom, this club can be attended from anywhere (note: the format of TM Club makes its sessions run extremely well over Zoom).


Can I use the club to improve my English? 
  • The objective of the club is not to help its members improve their English, but their public speaking and communication (there are language clubs which would better focus on improving your language itself). Nevertheless, you will find your English does improve through all TM Club practices. 


There are many other online TM Clubs, why should I join this ACAA Bilingual Club ? What’s special about this particular club ?
  • Likeminded people who are interested in multicaulisin and have some connection with Chinese cultural or business.

  • Most of the members are not native English speakers.

  • This is ACAA’s flagship club, ACAA will bring mentors to coach this club to train up future club leaders


Who Can Join the ACAA Bilingual Toastmasters Club?
  • Over 18 years old.

  • Interested in self-improving English communication skills and public speaking.

  • Able to attend at least 50% of the sessions (TM Club will meet every 2nd week).

  • The club will operate entirely on a volunteer basis; club members will share the necessary duties to ensure the club functions.


  • Annual Fee: A$200 or RMB980 (only payable upon acceptance)


Is there an existing ACAA Bilingual TM Club that I can attend as a guest before I decide to join or not? 
  • Unfortunately, no. This would be the very first ACAA TM Club, a new chapter awaits us! You are welcome to attend existing TM Clubs to get some ideas on how a TM Club operates. We also plan to run a Zoom demo session to showcase what’s like being involved in a TM Zoom club. It works very well over Zoom!


I am introverted, will I have to push myself to speak up otherwise I may not have a chance to talk? 

TM club has a very well-developed structure that allows everyone to talk, listen and evaluate others’ speeches. Everyone has a role in each session!

About this ACAA Bilingual Club
  • Do you have to be a Chinese speaker to join the ACAA TM Club?

No, the club’s sessions shall run in English. Everyone is welcome. Diversity is one of the club's goals.

  • Can I join if I am a native English speaker?

Yes, everyone is welcome. The purpose is to create a multi-cultural club atmosphere.

  • Is there an age or background requirement for joining the Club?

You must be minimum 18 years old. We would be keen to look for people from a diversified background to create a vibrant club atmosphere.


  • Do I need to have a minimum level of English before I can join?

Technically no. However, you may find a certain level of English is required in order for you to focus on other communication and public speaking skills. 


  • Do I have to pay?

Yes, the fee is around AUD100 / RMB500 for every 6 months. After every 6 months, you can choose to continue or discontinue your membership and participation. There is an initial joining fee of A$20 / RMB100. All paid fee is not refundable. 

This project is sponsored, your pay only covers a very small proportion of the set-up and operating costs.


  • What are the expectations after I joined?

Able to attend at least 50% of the sessions (TM Club will meet every 2nd week).

The club will operate entirely on a volunteer basis; club members will share the necessary duties to ensure the club functions.


  • I would much prefer to attend a local gathering other than zoom, is there an opportunity provided by ACAA to gather offline where I live?

You can check the ACAA WeChat / website for any offline gatherings, or you can start your local ACAA chapter, or local TM Club. 


  • When will the fist ACAA TM Club start?

We expect the ACAA TM Zoom Club to officially start Feb / March 2022.


  • What time will we meet every second week?

The ACAA Club plans to meet every 2nd and the 4th Monday of the month, 5:30-6:30 pm China Time / 8:30-9:30 Eastern Australia via Zoom. 


  • What are you looking for from the applicants of the first ACAA bilingual club ?

We will be looking for your enthusiasm, commitment, potential contribution and people from a diversified background.

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Robb Walters

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