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今早突然想写一篇这样一篇文章,是因为昨天是青霉素诞生之父亚历山大·弗莱明爵士(Sir Alexander Fleming)诞生140周年。亚历山大·弗莱明爵士发现青霉素的有趣的故事几乎家喻户晓,即使不知道,随便一搜百度也可以了解到。但是,我今天在这里要讲的故事是青霉素和澳大利亚科学家的故事,这位科学家就是霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里(Howard Walter Florey),我们阿德莱德大学的著名的几位校友之一。


我用倒叙的来讲述这个故事吧,那就从1965年2月4日霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里最荣耀的日子说起,这一天,他被英国女王封为非承袭制终身贵族,授予澳大利亚联邦和南澳大利亚阿德莱德弗洛里男爵(Baron Florey of Adelaide),以及牛津郡马斯顿弗洛里男爵(Baron Florey of Marston)。然后接着追溯到1945年,他与恩斯特·鲍里斯·钱恩(Ernst Boris Chain)和亚历山大·弗莱明共同获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。你也许开始好奇霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里有如此高的荣誉加身,想知道他何以同亚历山大·弗莱明在诺奖上平起平坐,而且在女王的封爵上高于亚历山大·弗莱明爵士。(以后有机会专门写一篇关于英国的爵位的文章。)


事情出现转机是在1940年和1941年,在1940年恩斯特·鲍里斯·钱恩和爱德华·亚伯拉罕(Edward Abraham)鉴定出青霉素的化学结构之后,亚历山大·弗莱明造访了这一团队研究人员,包括霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里,恩斯特·鲍里斯·钱恩,诺曼·哈特利(Norman Heatley) 和爱德华·亚伯拉罕。几位科学家在一起讨论并探究了纯化青霉素为相对稳定的形式的实验方法。同年的1941年,霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里,恩斯特·鲍里斯·钱恩用青霉素治疗他们的第一位病人。



霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里生于阿德莱德的马尔文区(Malvern),这一社区就在我的母校阿德莱德大学怀特校区(The Waite Campus)不远处,我在这一校区学习、工作、生活了11年。霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里在阿德莱德读了斯考特小学(Scotch College primary school)。说起斯考特小学,我与这个学校也有渊源,从2010年到2015年的五年间,我作为澳大利亚联邦科学与产业研究机构CSIRO组织的“科学家进校园 Scientists in Schools”项目的志愿者,与斯考特小学的戴博拉·威廉(Debra William)女士一起工作了五年,为她的学生们讲科普知识,演示简单的科学现象。

霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里读完小学又进入阿德莱德最好的中学圣彼得中学(Peter’s College)学习,中学毕业后,在1921年至1924年期间,他获得南澳洲全额奖学金进入阿德莱德大学学习医学。(我当时在阿德莱德求学攻读博士学位的时候,获得的是阿德莱德大学的全额奖学金。)结束了在阿德莱德大学的学习,霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里作为罗德学者(Rhodes Scholar)到牛津大学深造。(罗德学者奖学金是由英国矿业大亨塞西尔·罗德Cecil Rhodes设立的专供英国境外的优秀学者到牛津大学学习的一项奖学金。在阿德莱德大学建校147年的历史中,只有108位罗德学者,可见此奖学金的分量。)

在获得牛津大学的学士学位后,1925年,霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里又进入剑桥大学,在剑桥大学期间获得美国洛克菲勒基金会资助到美国访学,于1927年获得博士学位,1932年被谢菲尔德大学(The University of Sheffield)聘为病理学院的约瑟夫亨特首席科学家(Joseph Hunter Chair),1935年又回到牛津大学任病理学教授,林肯学院研究员(Lincoln College),并作为学术带头人与恩斯特·鲍里斯·钱恩,诺曼·哈特利和爱德华·亚伯拉罕一起工作。而后这个研究团队与亚历山大·弗莱明一起对青霉素的研究工作,正如你们前面了解的。

霍华德·沃尔特·弗洛里被澳大利亚科学与医学学者公认为最杰出的人物。澳大利亚两任总理(从1939到1941,从1949到1966)罗伯特·曼茨爵士(Sir Robert Menzies)说过:“以世界人民的福祉角度来看,弗洛里是诞生于澳大利亚这片土地上最重要的人。”在澳大利亚,很多学术研究机构中都有以弗洛里命名的建筑物,我们阿德莱德大学的医学院就有弗洛里讲堂(Florey lecture theatre)。


The story about

Penicillin and Australian Scientist

The topic suddenly came off the top of my head this morning because yesterday (6th Aug. 2021) was the 140 anniversary of which on the day Sir Alexander Fleming was born. His story about the discovery of penicillin is well known in the world. One can easily read up on the story by searching out through Google or Baidu. Today’s story I am going to tell here is about the discovery of penicillin with an Australian scientist, along with Sir Alexander Fleming.This scientist was Howard Walter Florey,one of several famous alumni of The University of Adelaide.

Most people know it well that how Alexander Fleming happened to discover the world’s first antibiotic, bacteria killer - penicillin, and a very few people know the followed-up stories to the discovery, not least of all who Baron Howard Walter Florey was.

I am telling the story in reverse,from the moment Howard Walter Florey was created a life peer on 4 February 1965 and became Baron Florey,of Adelaide in the State of South Australia and Commonwealth of Australia and of Marston in the County of Oxford, and trace back to 1945 in the year Howard Walter Florey shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Ernst Boris Chain and Alexander Fleming.You may begin to be curious about these honours for Howard Walter Florey and want to know why he shared the Noble Prize with Alexander Fleming and was honoured with a higher honour than the knighthood awarded to the penicillin discoverer, Alexander Fleming.

Now, we can jump up back to the time in 3rd September 1928 when Alexander Fleming first discovered the fungus accidentally occurred in his culture plates. The year was a historic moment and a historic observation, but it took 12 years for Alexander Fleming’s great discovery was being appreciated and valued.

The journey of scientific discovery and research development was, and is always up-and-down.It has never been done at a stroke of a pen. At the beginning,his seminar on the discovery was ignored by peers in medical research meetings,and at next stage, he faced the difficulty of producing penicillin in large amounts and isolation of the main compound.But Alexander Fleming stoically believed this fungus would be useful, even though medical peers had no support for his view on on its possible future value for the prevention and treatment of human infections by 1936.

The turning point was 1940 and 1941.Alexander Fleming met Howard Walter Florey,Ernst Boris Chain,Norman Heatley and Edward Abraham after Ernst Boris Chain and Edward Abraham identified the structure of penicillin, and they discussed and explored various methods of purifying penicillin to an effective stable form.In 1941, Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain treated their first patient.

So in the discovery of penicillin, several scientists made great contributions to the compound, penicillin. Alexander Flaming was the first person who fund the mould of penicillin, and after 12 years, Edward Abraham was the first person who proposed the correct structure of penicillin, and Norman Heatley initially suggested to transfer its acidity for producing stable penicillin (transferring active ingredient of penicillin back into water by changing its acidity), and Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain first transformed the laboratory curiosity into a practical drug,and developed it into a useful treatment. Since then, all the efforts made penicillin production in industrial scale, and save millions lives in World War II.

This is the story about penicillin and Howard Walter Florey. He was born in Malvern at Adelaide, the suburb is nearby the Waite Campus of The University of Adelaide where I spent nearly 11 years studying, working and living.His education in Adelaide was through Scotch College primary school(From 2010 to 2015, I worked as Scientists in School Program volunteer with Mrs. Debra William of this college’s teacher for five years, in teaching and demonstrating scientific knowledge to the children),then St Peter's College high school, and then studied medicine at the University of Adelaide from 1917 to 1921. His study at The University of Adelaide was entirely paid by a state scholarship he had achieved.(My PhD study was paid by the University’s full scholarship when I pursued my academic development in Adelaide.)

After his study at The University of Adelaide, he was a Rhodes Scholar to continue his study in Oxford. In 1925, he left Oxford to attend the University of Cambridge, during which time he won a fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation and studied in the United States for ten months.In 1927,he received the degree of PhD. After Cambridge, Florey was appointed to the Joseph Hunter Chair of Pathology at the University of Sheffield in 1932. In 1935 he returned to Oxford, as Professor of Pathology and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, leading a team of researchers,working with Ernst Boris Chain, Norman Heatley and Edward Abraham. And, you have already known the collaboration of the team with Alexander Fleming on penicillin.

Howard Walter Florey is regarded by the Australian scientific and medical community as one of its greatest figures. Sir Robert Menzies,Australia's Prime Minister from 1939 to 1941 and from 1949 to 1966,said,“In terms of world well-being, Florey was the most important man ever born in Australia.”In Australia, many institutes have buildings named after him. Florey lecture theatre in the University of Adelaide's medical school is named in his honour.

Written by Adelaide Ying Zhu on 7th Aug. 2021

(注:这篇文章除了最后两段中文直接写中文,前面的部分我是先写英文在写中文的,在这样两种语言的书写转换中,我这篇文章的中文表达和思维逻辑其实是在英文的框架下了完成,这也许就是丹尼·吉尔(Daniel Gere)所提出的认知负荷理论的现实呈现吧。)

the medical school view from North Terrace River


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