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2022 Australia China Alumni Award for Entrepeneurship and Innovation


Austrade – Australia China Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
This award recognises alumni who have demonstrated their entrepreneurial and/or innovative abilities in any industry sector.

To view the finalists of other categories please click HERE


CJ Chen


Siyao Jiang


Shiyi Liu


Lee Rong


Curt Shi


Royce Yuen


Harry Zhu




Mr. CJ Chen
Macquarie University alumnus


CJ was graduated from Macquarie University by 2010, by 2012 he joined Blackmores as head of sales for China as the starting point of his health & wellness industry career. He grew the Blackmores China business by 30 time over his 4 years service then co-founded PBX, which then became one of the biggest supplement wholesale exporter in Australia and exported 1 billion dollars worth of health & beauty products before 2020. Recently he moved to
Shanghai and focus on an emerging inner beauty brand called VIERRA, and the brand has sold 2 million units of products this year just via Tiktok and now sits on the top list of imported supplements of China.

CJ 在 2010 年从麦觉理大学毕业,在 2012 年他作为销售总经理带领澳佳宝品牌进入中国大陆市场也开启了自己在大健康行业的履历,在此后的四年中他帮助澳佳宝的中国生意增长了 30 倍。而后他在墨尔本于 2015 年联合创建了日后成为澳大利亚最大健康产品出口商之一的 PBX,在 2020 年前总计向亚洲市场出口了超过10亿澳元的澳产健康美容商品。最近他回到上海专注于内服美容品牌惟爱论,品牌仅在今年就在抖音平台销售了超过 200 万件商品,目前品牌稳居中国进口丽人健康行业前列。


Mr. Siyao Jiang
Managing Partner for ERM China
Macquarie University and University of Sydney alumnus


Mr. Siyao Jiang is the Managing Partner for ERM China. ERM is the largest global pure-play sustainability consultancy, with over 7,500 consultants across more than 40 countries. Based in Shanghai, Siyao takes overarching responsibilities for ERM’s environmental and social consulting, climate change services, sustainable finance and transaction advisory practices, and facilitates clients’ ESG and Low Carbon Energy Transition journey. Meanwhile, Siyao also leads the Greater China banking and finance sector for ERM across mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Siyao has been a seasoned banker with nearly twenty years of track records across corporate and investment banking, central bank and public policy, and ESG investments. Prior to joining ERM, Siyao was based in Hong Kong and led the French bank Natixis’s project financing business in North Asia across natural resources, renewable energy, petrochemical, infrastructure, PPPs,telecommunication, and agricultural sectors. Siyao started his professional career at Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank, to manage the foreign exchange and gold reserves on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia. He has gained international experience in China mainland and HK, UK, and Australia with Macquarie Group, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, and QBE Insurance Group.

Siyao is a historian and economist by training with rigorous master’s degrees in Medieval History (Oxford) and International Law (USYD) and bachelor’s degrees in Economics (1st Honours, Macquarie) and Actuarial Science (Macquarie). Siyao is fluent in Chinese and English, and converses French and Italian. Siyao is passionate about the global exchange of civilisation, culture, and commodities; he is currently pursuing part-time doctoral research in medieval global history, at the University of Oxford. Siyao is a qualified sommelier in wine, sake, and whisky.
姜思遥先生是全球最大的可持续发展咨询公司ERM中国总经理。ERM在全球40多个国家和地区设有办公室,拥有超过7,500名咨询顾问。作为管理合伙人, 姜思遥领导ERM中国环境与社会(ESG)咨询、气候变化双碳战略、可持续金融服务、与收并购尽职调查。另外他分管ERM大中华区金融机构与银行客户。

姜思遥曾在中国、澳大利亚、英国、中国香港等多个国家和地区工作学习, 在企业与投资银行、中央银行、公共政策方面拥有近20年从业经历。加入ERM前,姜思遥主管法国外贸银行东北亚区项目融资团队,为金属矿业、自然资源、可再生能源、基础设施、政府和社会资本合作、生物化工、及数字通信等行业提供ESG咨询、绿色金融、投行并购、套保交易等一揽子解决方案。姜思遥的职业生涯始于澳大利亚中央储备银行, 负责管理澳大利亚联邦外汇与黄金储备。此外, 他曾先后任职于三井住友银行、麦格理金融集团、及昆士兰保险集团。

姜思遥是一名历史学者和经济学家。他毕业于牛津大学(中古欧洲史硕士)、悉尼大学(国际法硕士)、以及麦考瑞大学(精算学和经济学一等荣誉双学士)。他精通中英语,并熟悉法文、意大利文。姜思遥热衷于研究全球历史框架下的商贸交流与文明沟通。目前,他正在牛津大学兼职攻读博士研究生,以比较历史视野研究中世纪海上贸易与气候变化。姜思遥是一位品酒师, 拥有葡萄酒、清酒、及威士忌等专业认证。


Mr. Shiyi Liu
Managing Partner, Verinco Consulting Pte Ltd
Monash University Alumnus

中国区合伙人,Verinco Consulting Pte Ltd

Mr. Liu Shiyi lived in Australia from 1990 to 1999. This was a period he had not only accomplished his MBA education in Australia but also shaped his values and principles in life.
Prior to Verinco, Mr. Liu served as General Manager of EUCHNER China, a subsidiary of a private hi-tech company in Stuttgart Germany, Sales Director for KSB Shanghai, a joint venture between Shanghai Electric (SEC) and a public listed manufacturing company in Frankental Germany, and China Project Manager for United BTS, a mining equipment manufacturer in Darwin Australia.  In his so far 25 years successful career with international companies in China, Mr. Liu has resourcefully blended Chinese-style hardworking and gratefulness, Australian-style down-to-earth and cheerfulness, German-style efficiency and preciseness into his leadership style, and grew the companies into the most valuable enterprises in their industry sectors in China.  From formulating and executing winning strategies to initiating successful operational moves, from attracting and developing talents to refining company management procedure and system, from cultivating corporate culture to improving local employee wellbeing, from expending production site to upgrading hardware and software, Mr. Liu has made outstanding contributions to his workplace.  In addition to the commercial successes, Mr. Liu has been actively promoting the participation of enterprises in public welfare and charity, and fulfilling the social responsibilities of a good corporate citizen.
刘诗益,蒙纳士大学1997届工商管理硕士,历任德国EUCHNER中国公司总经理,德国上市公司KSB大中华区销售总监,澳大利亚United BTS公司中国项目经理等职。在迄今长达25年的管理国际企业在华业务的职业生涯里,他将中式的肯干和感恩,澳式的开朗和易于沟通,德式的效率和严谨融入他的领导风格,从制定和执行制胜战略到启动成功的经营举措,从吸引和培育人才到完善公司管理制度和程序,从培养企业文化到改善本地员工福祉,从扩大在华投资到软硬件升级等各个方面为企业的发展做出了卓越的贡献。在不断取得商业成功的同时,刘诗益先生一直致力于推动企业积极参与社会公益事业,履行一个优秀的企业公民的社会责任。


Mr. Lee Rong
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), AI-LINK Network
University of Wollongong

深圳艾灵网络有限公司 首席营销官

Dr. Lee Rong is a global pioneer of information and communication technologies shaping the future of Industry 4.0. With over 20 years international experience in ICT and Operational Technology, Dr Rong is one of the world’s leading technical and commercial experts on 5G, cloud computing and Industry 4.0. Having studied and worked in the field in Australia, France, Japan, and China as well as speaking 4 languages, Dr Rong has had a quintessentially global career, which has taken him from academic researcher, to industry expert, and most recently, tech entrepreneur.
Most recently, he joined a new subsidiary of manufacturing giant, Foxconn Industrial Internet (FII), in 2017 as the Co-founder and CMO. This subsidiary, backed with US$90M of investment from the Foxconn group, drove market development of 5G+Industry 4.0 applications within Foxconn. In 2020 he leapt further to the frontier of Industry 4.0 applications, as Co-founder and CMO of AI-Link Network, a company backed with US$15M+ investment (including Xiaomi & Singtel) to focus on the application of 5G and Edge Computing to support and underpin smart manufacturing. 
In 2020, he was awarded the title of “Industrial Internet Expert” by the Guangdong provincial government, and the prestigious “5G expert” award by the Shenzhen municipal government. Further, in 2021 he was awarded the title of “Expert” by the largest industrial mobile robot alliance CMR “China Mobile Robot and AGV Industry Alliance” in China.
荣乐天,计算机工程博士。广东省工信厅赋予的广东省制造业数字化转型专家委员会专家,以及国内最大中国移动机器人(AGV/AMR)产业联盟专家委员会专家等荣誉。20年以上在通信行业和产业互联网的工作经验和积累。曾在国际500强公司在基础研究,产品开发,技术解决方案,与客户战略规划等领域担当过职位有比较全方面的工作经验。有在多国的工作经验(法国,日本,中国和澳大利亚),和精通4国语言。曾经在爱立信负责和世界第一大运营商中国移动整体5G 2B的合作,期间成功的主导了多个”世界第一”项目(包括”全球首个基于蜂窝物联网的互联工厂”)。从2017年-2020年在富士康工业互联网子公司富华科以创始人和CMO的职位全面负责母公司在5G+工业互联网方面的的市场规划和战略。在这期间,成功的启动了广东省工信厅赋予深圳市唯一的5G+工业互联网示范园区项目。自从2020年作为创始人和CMO加入创业公司深圳艾灵负责扩展5G应用和边缘计算相关的业务;艾灵在2022年已经完成累计超亿的A轮融资,投资者包括小米, 亚信和新加坡电信。


Curt Shi
Founding Partner, Imprint Capital Partners
Macquarie Univeristy alumnus

Imprint Capital Partners 创始管理合伙人

Mr Curt Shi is a venture capitalist and entrepreneur, specialising in early-stage venture investment and cross-border deals. Since 1999, Curt has been actively participating in China’s TMT entrepreneurial community and as a typical entrepreneur-turned-investor, Curt has been successfully managing venture funds in China and Australia for more than a decade, with successful exits both on American and Australian capital markets. He is an experienced investor and entrepreneur who is focused on cross-border opportunities in China, the US, Israel and the South Pacific.
Curt founded Imprint Capital Partners in 2008 for venture investment opportunities in the TMT sector as well as other private placement opportunities in a much broader range of creative industries. Since its establishment, Imprint has made investments in/out of China and has seen such cross-border business opportunities as the competitive edge of the firm. Thus, since the end of 2013, Curt started to build a specific fund with a focus on Australia-China ventures and in 2015 Imprint decided that ESVCLP was the perfect vehicle to do so. Some of the investment highlights include the world’s leading sports analytics technology company Catapult Group International (ASX: CAT) and buy-now-pay-later company Sezzle (ASX: SZL), both companies were listed on Australian Securities Exchange and generate 20x investment return in two years. He then co-founded the venture capital fund in Australia, Follow [the] Seed, a post-seed venture fund that uses a unique predictive analytical model to identify the next one billion-dollar company.
Curt founded Welinder & Shi Capital in the US in 2018, which provides capital and know-how to growing companies on a mission to empower an active and healthy lifestyle. The portfolio companies include CAKE, a Swedish company developing high-performance electric motorcycles, SYNG, an audio company that transforms the human relationship with sound. Both companies have been nominated as the 2021 best 100 inventions in Time magazine. His recent focus shifted to digital assets and web3, leading him to invest in one of the top projects in the web3 space, STEPN, a move2earn NFT Game-Fi project on mobile devices that aims to help millions of runners to adapt Web 3.0 and at the same time, slow down global warming through on-chain governance. The investment in STEPN generated a 1600x return in 6 months. He recently founded a new venture capital in Hong Kong, Progidital Future Fund, which focuses on Chinese-founded web3 projects and helps them to go global. Curt is nurturing several new ventures and focusing on building a healthier entrepreneurship culture between China and Australia.

侍海先生是Imprint Capital Partners,Follow [The] Seed,Welinder & Shi Capital以及ProDigital未来数字基金等数个私募股权风险投资基金的创始管理合伙人。侍先生专注投资电信、媒体和数字科技领域以及生活方式驱动的创新创业。依托中国这个存在巨大机遇但复杂的市场,近年来致力于投资跨境项目,尤其是来自澳大利亚、美国、瑞典以及以色列等市场成功项目,并帮助这些被投项目在中国市场的落地与发展。
侍先生最近的成功投资包括2014年12月在澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市的体育科技公司Catapult Sports(证券交易代码:CAT)(18个月内投资回报20倍),2018年初在ASX上市的交通信息服务商Jayride (ASX:JAY) ,2019年7月在ASX上市的Sezzle Inc (ASX: SZL)的美国金融科技公司 (回报超过20倍),2021年在澳交所上市科技企业Airtasker(ASX:ART),瑞典高性能电动摩托车品牌CAKE和前苹果设计师创办的世界首个Triphonic音频公司SYNG。两家公司创立以来获奖无数,均被《时代》杂志提名为2021年最佳100项人类发明。他最近的重点转移到了数字资产和Web3领域,2021年最早投资了Web3领域迄今最成功项目之一StepN,这个项目的初创团队来自澳大利亚,是一个移动设备上的 move2earn NFT Game-Fi 项目,旨在帮助数百万跑步者适应 Web 3.0 的同时,通过链上治理减缓全球变暖。该项目成长速度非常快,6个月就已经成为估值10亿美金以上的科技独角兽,相应也在半年内产生了 1600 倍的投资回报。
侍先生还作为有限合伙人投资了澳大利亚的ArcAngel,Galileo Ventures以及Spawn Ventures等几个风险投资基金。目前他也在中国加速(Chinaccelerator/Orbit),澳洲电讯Telstra旗下孵化器Muru-D,中以创新加速器, Fintech加速器Stone and Chalk以及体育科技孵化器Startupbootcamp担任创业导师。
侍先生是2016年度Australia China Alumni Association(澳中同学会)“澳中银行及金融业杰出校友奖”获得者。并获得2017年澳大利亚西悉尼大学“创新创业杰出校友”提名。侍先生毕业于江苏大学,后就学于澳大利亚多家大学,持有澳大利亚Macquarie大学国际传媒硕士学位,以及西悉尼大学翻译研究生文凭。


Royce Yuen
Professor of Practice, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Macquarie University alumnus


Dr. Royce Man Chun Yuen is a brand-builder and a hybrid business professional with over three decades of experience across the commercial, academic, and public sectors. Since 2015, he has served as the Chief Executive Officer of MaLogic Holdings Limited. MaLogic is a professional services firm with a mission to help companies and executives to maximize performance and return on investment by leveraging brand strategy, research insights, and big data analytics. MaLogic entered a joint venture with a leading retailer in China and is responsible for analysing the POS data for 30,000 convenience stores in real time. Before founding MaLogic, Royce was the Chairman of Ogilvy Southern China and Hong Kong. When he was the Chairman of the HK4As, the trade association of the advertising industry, he served as the spokesperson for the creative sector from 2005 to 2010.

Royce graduated from Macquarie University with a Master of Art in Marketing in 1996, an important milestone that motivated him to pursue a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) later. He was among the second cohort of graduates from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s DBA programme and earned a Doctorate in 2000. Since then, Royce has lectured marketing and branding at a post-graduate level for various universities across China and Hong Kong. He is currently a Professor of Practice in Marketing and is actively involved in the academic community, including designing the Executive Master program for PolyU. In his more than twenty years of teaching, more than 10,000 students have attended his MBA classes.

Royce is a keen supporter of community services and has served as the Vice-Chairman for Plan International (HK) for ten years. Plan is an NGO that focuses on helping children in developing countries obtain their basic rights, including proper education and the necessary health nutrition. He is now a Board Member of the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care, an area that has been traditionally neglected in society.

Royce is also serving on various advisory committees. He was a Council Member of the HK Trade Development Council and a Council Member of the HK Academy for Performing Arts. Besides, he has served the Education Bureau, Home Affairs Bureau, and Commerce and Economic Development Bureau. In addition, he has been an advisor to Our Hong Kong Foundation since April 2020. and a Vetting Committee Member for the Art Development Fund.

In 2007, Royce was awarded the ‘Hong Kong Top 10 CEO Award’, organized by Metro Radio and Zonta Club of Hong Kong. He received the Distinguished Alumni Communicator Award from Hong Kong Baptist University a year later. Royce won the PolyU’s Outstanding Alumni Award in 2009 and was conferred by the university with Honorary Fellowship in 2015. In recognition of his contributions to the commercial and education sectors, the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing awarded Royce with the title Scholar Marketer of the Year and Honorary Fellow in 2019. He was also appointed by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as Justice of The Peace in 2010.

Royce is a regular speaker at local and overseas conferences and has hosted radio and television educational programs in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong. A regular columnist for several renowned financial publications, Royce was also invited by Hong Kong ATV to host a TV programme on branding, which enabled him to share his experience with the mass audience. To continue to pass on his knowledge and experience, Royce published a book globally last year with Routledge – “Decoding Branding – A Complete Guide to Building and Revamping Brands in the Age of Disruption”.

袁教授是一位品牌缔造者和混合型商业专业人士,在商业、学术和公共部门拥有超过30年的经验。2015年以来,他一直担任MaLogic Holdings Limited的首席执行官。MaLogic是一家专业服务公司,致力于通过品牌战略、研究洞察力和大数据分析帮助企业和高管实现业绩和投资回报的最大化。MaLogic与中国一家领先的零售商成立了一家合资企业,负责实时分析3万家便利店的POS数据。在创立MaLogic之前,袁教授是奥美华南及香港的主席。2005年至2010年,他在担任香港广告商会主席期间,出任创意界发言人。





Harry Zhu
Director,Founding Partner
Shanghai Young Lions Communications Co Ltd
RMIT Univeristy alumnus


Harry Zhu is co-founder and Director of Young Lions Communications, a Digital Marketing agency based in Shanghai, China. He worked as head of the Accounting Service team and the Tech Team, then seated the COO position since 2017 to 2020 in charge of strategy and operations. Started in 2011, Young Lions has worked with over 70 global brands in the Chinese market. Including Unilever, Coca-Cola, G-Shock, Burger King, Hasbro, Honeywell, etc. As a boutique agency specialising in Social Media Marketing and Mobile Media marketing, Young Lions has won over 20 industry awards in the past 5 years, including two Greater China Effie Awards in 2020, two Gold Mouse Digital Marketing Award in 2021, multiple China Content Marketing Awards, China Tiger Roar Awards, etc,. Young Lions was also listed in “Top 50 Cool Companies as Brand Partner” and “Top 20 Social Media Agenciesin China” in 2020.

Harry studied in RMIT during 2007-2009 for Master of Business Information Technology (MBIT) before he started Young Lions Communications. He is currently studying at Melbourne University as an Executive EMBA student. During Harry’s study at Melbourne Business School, he actively participated setting up a student organization “Beyond the Lectures”(BTL). Till now, BTL has partnered with Melbourne Business School to host regular events involving international business leaders and provide real-world context to Executive MBA students.

朱海艺先生是数字营销机构上海幼狮传播的董事及创始合伙人,先后领导公司客户团队、技术团队,并于 2017 年至 2020 年担任 COO 职务,负责公司战略及运营管理。自2011 年创业以来,幼狮传播与包括联合利华、可口可乐、G-Shock、汉堡王、孩之宝、霍尼韦尔在内的超过 70 个国际品牌建立合作关系,在中国市场提供数字整合营销解决方案。作为一家专注于移动媒体营销和社交媒体营销的专业营销代理公司,幼狮传播在过去 5 年赢得超过 20 个行业奖项,包括两项 2020 年中国区艾菲奖、两项 2021 年金鼠标数字营销奖、以及虎啸奖、中国内容营销奖等。 2020 年,幼狮传播被行业媒体列入“品牌拍档 Top50 酷公司”及“中国社交媒体营销 Top20”榜单。

在创立幼狮传播前,朱海艺先生于 2007-2009 年期间在 RMIT 商学院学习,获得商业信息技术硕士(MBIT)学 位。2021 年起,他在墨尔本大学商学院学习 EMBA 课程。他在参与 MEBA 课程期间,他作为创始团队一员建 立了学生组织“Beyond the Lectures”(BTL)。至今,BTL 已于墨尔本大学商学院建立伙伴关系,主办定期 活动邀请国际商业领袖向 EMBA 学生分享商业实践经验。

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