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2023 Australia China Alumni Award for Research & Science


Australia China Alumni Award for Research and Science

This award recognises alumni who have contributed to the development of research and science which has made a significant impact on the Australia-China community.

All nominees are expected to have advanced current knowledge in a particular field, through significant research or scientific work in an academic, corporate or technological setting.

A nominee’s achievements can span all fields of study and work (for example, sciences, technology, medicine, or academic research).

To view the finalists of other categories please click HERE


Weiyu Chen

University of New South Wales


Yu Zhou

University of Newcastle and University of New South Wales


Jiao Jiao Li

University of Sydney


Hai Guo

Murdoch University


Qi Gu

University of Wollongong


He Ren

RMIT and University of Newcastle


Minxian Xu

University of Melbourne


Yulong Sun



Rong Xu

La Trobe University


Yifan Zhong

Australian National University and Monash University


Qi Yang

University of Melbourne


Prof. Weiyu Chen
Professor, Guangzhou Medical University
University of New South Wales Alumnus
陈伟钰教授, 广州医科大学

Prof. Weiyu Chen earned his PhD from The University of New South Wales and The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in 2019. During his doctoral studies, Weiyu created a novel mouse model of bilirubin deficiency. This innovative model enabled him to show, for the first time, that bilirubin acts as an in vivo antioxidant. Following his PhD, Weiyu continued his research journey at The Heart Research Institute and The University of Sydney. Here, he completed mechanistic work on the role of bilirubin in atherosclerotic plaque stability and metabolic disease using multiple pre-clinical models. In 2023, Weiyu joined Guangzhou Medical University in China as a professor, taking the lead in a research group that centers on heart disease.
Weiyu’s research seeks to unravel the long-recognized yet poorly understood phenomenon: the protective effect of mild jaundice (slightly elevated bilirubin) against cardiometabolic diseases. His significant contributions and achievements in the fields of public health and medical research are evident through his extensive publication record, comprising over 30 papers in distinguished peer-reviewed international journals such as Circulation Research, Redox Biology, and Free Radical Biology and Medicine. Aligned with the emphasis on practicality and innovation characteristic of Australian education and research, Weiyu aims to integrate these values into his ongoing endeavors in education and research. He is also enthusiastic about fostering collaborations and facilitating knowledge exchange between Australia and China.
陈伟钰教授于2019年在The University of New South Wales 获得博士学位,主要研究胆红素对心血管及代谢系统的保护作用及机制,为抗氧化剂治疗动脉粥样硬化、胰岛素耐受、非酒精性脂肪肝提供了重要的医学研究基础。2019至2023年,他先后在Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute和The Heart Research Institute从事博士后研究工作,聚焦于不稳定性动脉粥样斑块病理机制以及髓过氧化物酶MPO抑制剂逆转不稳定斑块的作用机制。2023年以广州医科大学南山学者特聘教授加入广州医科大学附属第二医院广州心血管疾病研究所任职。陈伟钰教授曾获Society for Free Radical Research International 青年研究奖,The Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Biology of Tetrapyrroles 会议奖,The Australian Vascular Biology Society 青年研究奖。共发表SCI论文30篇,近五年研究成果以第一作者身份发表在Circulation Research, Redox Biology, Free Radical Biology and Medicine等领域内顶级期刊。他的研究成果受到了中澳科研界的广泛关注。陈伟钰教授非常注重细节的积累,并坚持科学实事求是的精神,这也是澳大利亚教育和研究的显著特点之一,他致力于将这些价值观融入教学和研究中,为中澳科研合作作出更多贡献。


Hai Guo
Ir Professor
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Murdoch University Alumnus

Professor Dr. Hai GUO completed his Ph.D. study in Air Quality in Australia and conducted his postdoctoral research in USA, Hong Kong and Australia. He is currently a full Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Changjiang Scholars Chair Professor, Air Lab in Charge and Fellow of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and Wuhan University and Tongji University, China. Prof. GUO’s major research interests include atmospheric chemistry, ozone formation mechanisms, source apportionment, organic aerosols, acidic ultrafine particles, bioaerosol transmission and indoor chemistry. A unique theme of his research is understanding the formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosols in photochemical smog, which has adverse impacts on human health, air quality and climate change. One of his major foci is to provide new research methods to solve elusive scientific questions through the development and application of novel simulation models and analytical instruments, thereby promoting the forefront of observational and numerical capabilities. He is among the first to have developed a photochemical trajectory model and a photochemical box model to understand atmospheric ozone formation in Asia. He is also the first person in Hong Kong to establish a world-class laboratory instrument system to analyse trace volatile organic compounds (VOCs). He has developed offline and semi-online samplers for measuring ambient acidic ultrafine particles. Prof. GUO is an investigator of over 70 highly competitive research projects. To date, he has published over 185 papers in high-quality international journals with over 11,958 citations and an h-index of 58 (Google scholar). He has been ranked the World’s Top 2% Highly Cited Scientist in Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences in 2020-2022. He has won the first prize of Guangdong Provincial Government Science and Technology Award in 2014, the second prize of Natural Science of the Ministry of Education Award in 2016, Gold Medal and Special Merit Award at the 71st International Trade Fair for Ideas, Inventions and New Products (iENA) in 2019, and eight-time Dean awards for outstanding research and publication at PolyU. He is an editor of Aerosol and Air Quality Research, an associate editor of Science of the Total Environment, and an editorial Board member of Atmosphere (Air session), and Atmospheric Environment. He is an executive member of Australia-China Centre for Air Quality Science and Management, and the standing committee member of The Ozone Pollution Control Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences. He is also the core member of VOC Expert Group of World Meteorological Organization – Global Atmosphere Watch, and the Founding member of Tropospheric Ozone Precursors (TOP) Focus Working Group, TOAR-II (Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report-II). Prof. Guo has given plenary, keynote, and invited speech in a number of international conferences and been a member of Scientific Advisor Committee in many conferences.
郭海教授在澳大利亞獲得空氣質量研究的博士學位,並在美國、香港和澳大利亞進行了博士後研究。現任香港理工大學土木與環境工程學系教授,教育部长江学者讲座教授、空气实验室负责人、香港工程师学会会士。他也是澳大利亞昆士蘭科技大學、中國武漢大學和同濟大學兼職教授。郭教授的主要研究方向包括大氣化學、臭氧形成機制、源解析、有機氣溶膠、酸性超細顆粒、生物气溶胶传播和室内化学。他研究的一個獨特主題是了解光化學煙霧中臭氧和二次有機氣溶膠的形成,這些空氣污染物對人類健康、空氣質量和氣候變化有不利影響。他的主要關注點之一是通過開發和應用新的模擬模型和分析儀器,提供新的研究方法來解決難以捉摸的科學問題,從而促进前沿的观测和数值模拟能力。他是最早开发光化学轨迹模型和光化学盒模型以了解亚洲大气臭氧形成的人之一。他也是香港第一个建立世界级实验室仪器系统来分析痕量挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的人。 他开发了离线和半在线采样器,用于测量环境酸性超细颗粒。郭教授主持了70多個极具竞争力的研究項目。迄今為止,他已在高質量的國際期刊上發表了超过185 篇論文,被引用次数超過11,958 次,h-index為58(谷歌學者)。他被评为2020-2022年度气象和大气科学领域全球排名前2%的高被引科学家。2014年獲廣東省政府科學技術一等獎、2016年教育部自然科學二等獎、2019年第71屆國際創意、發明及新產品交易會金獎和特等獎(iENA),並八度榮獲香港理大傑出研究及出版院長獎。他是Aerosol and Air Quality Research的編輯,Science of the Total Environment的副主編,以及
Atmosphere (Air session) 和Atmospheric Environment的編委。他也是澳中空氣質量科學與管理中心執行委員,中國環境科學學會臭氧污染控制專業委員會常務委員。他還是世界氣象組織全球大氣監測網揮發性有機化合物專家組核心成員,對流層臭氧前體物(TOP)焦點工作組TOAR-II(對流層臭氧評估報告-II)創始成員。郭教授曾在多個國際會議上作全體會議、主題報告和特邀報告,並擔任多個會議的科學顧問委員會成員。


Jiao Jiao Li
Senior Lecturer
University of Technology Sydney
University of Sydney Alumna

Dr Jiao Jiao Li is a Senior Lecturer at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), leading a research program in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine that delivers new therapies for chronic diseases, with particular focus on bone and joint diseases. Her work has resulted in >80 publications and significant social impact, being recently recognised in 2022 by the Young Investigator Award from Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society (as 1 of 2 awardees across the Asia-Pacific region, from the top international society in her field), Premier’s Prize for NSW Early Career Researcher of the Year (Physical Sciences), NSW Young Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year, and in 2021 as the Australian winner of Falling Walls Lab. Her research has been supported by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Early Career Fellowship, and the Australian Research Council Training Centre for Innovative BioEngineering where she served as Co-Deputy Director. Supporting her passion for science communication and advocacy, Dr Li serves as Board Director (Early Career Representative) for Science & Technology Australia (STA), and was selected by STA as a 2021-22 Superstar of STEM to represent Australian women in STEM.
李佼佼博士在悉尼科技大学担任高级讲师,她的团队主要致力于组织工程与再生医学领域的技术创新,为慢性疾病提供新疗法,并重点关注骨骼和关节疾病。在相关期刊上发表论文80余篇,并在2022年获得Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society (组织工程与再生医学国际学会)亚太地区最佳青年研究奖、新南威尔士州Young Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year、新南威尔士州总理奖之Early Career Researcher of the Year (Physical Sciences),以及在2021年荣获Falling Walls Lab澳大利亚赛区金奖。她曾担任澳大利亚National Health & Medical Research Council(国家卫生和医学研究委员会)青年研究员,以及Australian Research Council Training Centre for Innovative BioEngineering (澳大利亚研究委员会创新生物工程培训中心)联席副主任。她对传播科学的热情使得她被选为Science & Technology Australia (澳大利亚科学与技术协会)董事(青年代表)与2021-22 Superstar of STEM(澳大利亚女性科学家代表)。


Qi Yang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
University of Melbourne Alumnus

Dr. Qi Yang joined Melbourne University in July 2007, graduated in September 2010, majoring in optical communication. During his studies, he earned numerous honors, including best Bell labs intern student award, etc. His academic achievements include the world’s first 100 Gb/s, 1 Tb/s, and real-time coherent optical OFDM transmission experiment.
After graduation, Dr. Yang assumed the role of deputy director at the State Key Laboratory of Optical Communication Technologies and Networks in the Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunication. There, he led a team of over 50 researchers. Under his guidance, his groups received commendations, including China’s first 100-Tb/s single-mode fiber transmission in 2014, earning him recognition as one of China’s top-10 achievements in science and technology. His group amassed over 200 patents and completed more than 50 projects, including two National Key Research and Development Program of China, with total funding exceeding 98 million.
In 2018, Dr. Yang joined Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His prolific research includes over 100 scientific articles with over 3000 citations on Google Scholar. He holds over 180 Chinese patents and 11 American patents. In addition, the space laser communication modules designed by him have been installed on dozens of satellites and are operational in orbit.
Dr. Yang’s extensive achievements and impact in scientific research are remarkable.
杨奇博士于2007年7月加入墨尔本大学,于2010年9月毕业,主修光通信。在他的学习期间,他获得了许多荣誉,包括贝尔实验室最佳实习生奖等。他的学术成就包括世界首次100Gb/s、1Tb/s和实时相干光OFDM传输实验。毕业后,杨博士担任了武汉邮电科学研究院光通信技术与网络国家重点实验室的副主任职务。在那里,他领导了一个由50多名研究人员组成的团队。在他的指导下,他的团队获得了多个荣誉,包括2014年发布中国首个100Tb/s单模光纤传输成果,使他成为当年中国科技领域十大成就之一。他的团队积累了200多项专利,并完成了50多个项目,包括两个中国国家重点研发计划项目,总资金超过9800万元。2018年,杨博士加入了华中科技大学。他的研究成果丰富,包括在Google Scholar上被引用超过3000次的100多篇科学文章。他拥有180多项中国专利和11项美国专利。此外,他设计的空间激光通信模块已经安装在数十颗卫星上,并在轨道上运行。


Prof. Yu Zhou
Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology
University of Newcastle Alumnus


Yu Zhou completed his PhD degree at The University of Newcastle in 1993 before joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and becoming Full Professor. He is the Founding Director of a research institute at Harbin Institute of Technology and has made a pioneering contribution to the artificial intelligence (AI) control of turbulence by developing and building a landmark AI system. This has achieved unprecedented success in reducing the drag of turbulent boundary layers and and has led to important energy savings and emission reductions. Yu’s drag reducing AI-based methodology is now being applied to a 600 km/hr super high-speed train that is under development in China. Yu has given invited keynote addresses on this breakthrough research at many international conferences. In 2011, Yu initiated the Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control (FSSIC) symposium series, now an influential international event. He is a highly cited researcher, an elected Fellow of the Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society, Associate Editor of the AIAA Journal and President of the FSSIC Society. He has received many awards, including the 2002 best paper award medal from the Japanese Society of Visualization, prestigious Chinese “1000 Talent Scheme” award in 2010 and the second prize of the Natural Science Award of Chinese Mechanics in 2021.
1993年获纽卡斯尔大学博士学位,曾任香港理工大学终身正教授、流固耦合中心主任,现任哈尔滨工业大学湍流控制研究所奠基所长。其最突出的科研成果是提出并成功研发人工智能控制湍流系统,这一开创性并引领潮流的研究发表于国际顶级期刊,为高速运载工具减阻、节能和减排取得了前所未有的成功,获中铁集团合同应用于中国正在研发的600公里时速超级磁悬浮高铁,并受邀为众多国际会议做主题演讲。周裕教授2011年创办了国际流固声耦合与控制系列研讨会,并使其成为本领域三大国际交流平台之一。其它荣誉包括,入选“国家千人计划”,Web of Science高被引科学家,大洋洲流体力学学会首位华人会士,国际航空航天顶级期刊AIAA Journal副主编,国际流固声耦合与控制学会主席,曾获众多奖项(如日本可视化学会2002年最佳论文奖、中国力学学会2021年自然科学二等奖)。


Qi Gu
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science
University of Wollongong Alumnus

Dr. Gu, currently a Full Professor at both the Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine and the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He spearheads a laboratory renowned for its advancements in biomaterials and cutting-edge technologies, notably 3D/4D bioprinting. As an accomplished academic, Prof. Gu has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals, including but not limited to Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Mater. Horiz. and Adv. Funct. Mater., primarily delving into bioprinting, biofabrication, and stem cell engineering. In acknowledgment of his significant contributions to the field, he has been honored with the Young Investigator Award from the Chinese Society of Stem Cell Research (CSSCR) and the Excellent Young Scientists Fund from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Beyond research, he lends his expertise to the editorial boards of esteemed journals, such as Cell Proliferation, Bioactive Materials and BMEMat.
2013年毕业于东北农业大学“国家理科基地班”获得生物学博士学位,2017年毕业于澳大利亚伍伦贡大学获得材料化学博士学位。致力于干细胞特异材料及打印平台开发;结合多技术体系再造复杂组织器官功能系统。主持多项科研项目,包括中科院A类先导“器官重建与制造”中生物墨水和打印装置方向负责人,科技部战略性国际科技创新合作重点专项负责人,中科院院装备项目负责人等。获得中国科学院百人计划、国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金资助。研究成果发表于国际期刊Adv. Mater., Adv. Sci., Adv. Funct. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等30余篇。担任Cell Proliferation、Bioactive Materials等杂志编辑/青年编委。


Prof. He Ren
Chief Technical Officer
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC)
RMIT University and Newcastle University Alumnus

Prof. He Ren now is Chief Technical Officer (Marketing and Sales) of Commercial Aircraft Corporation Of China (COMAC). He used to study and work in RMIT and Newcastle University of Australia more than 13 years. He creatively established the theories of Mechanical Fuzzy Corrosion and Wear. And made a lot achievement in aspects of Aircraft Reliability, Safety, Maintenance Engineering, and Industrial Design.
He has published 10 books , 100 papers ,and he also hold 30 international patents. He used to win a lot of world recognized awards such as “Red Dot Design Award”, “Top Innovation Award- The Wold Outstanding Designer “ (UNIDO), Silver Medal of “ China Design Contribution Award ” etc.
He participated and led the China national projects such as passenger aircraft C919, ARJ21 and C929 design . And during which he had made proud achievement and therefor has been recognized internationally. Now those aircraft had received more than 1000 orders and successfully start the commercial operations, that made a breakout for Chinese Aviation Industries and make all Chinese people feel proud and cheerful!.
Professor Ren honorably was elected as Vice Chairman of China Industrial Design Association, and Foreign Academician (Member) of Russian Academy of Engineering(2023).




Minxian Xu
Associate Professor
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Melbourne Alumnus

Dr. Minxian Xu is currently an Associate Professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He obtained his PhD degree from the University of Melbourne in 2019. His research interests include resource scheduling and optimization in cloud computing. He has co-authored 50+ peer-reviewed papers published in prominent international journals and conferences, such as ACM CSUR (x3), ACM TOIT, IEEE TSUSC (x4), IEEE TCC, IEEE TASE, IEEE TGCN and ICSOC(x3). His research work has been cited more than 2,000 times (H-index: 21, i-10 index: 28, Google Scholar data). He has also applied 10+ patents in cloud computing area. His Ph.D. Thesis was awarded the 2019 IEEE TCSC Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award (one of the five recipients worldwide). His Ph.D. Thesis was also the nominee of John Makepeace Bennett award for the Australasian Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation (the only one from University of Melbourne in 2019). He is selected as Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel.
Dr. Minxian Xu is the Program Chair/Technical Program Committee of 10+ international conferences, e.g. IEEE/ACM CCGRID, IEEE ScalCom, IEEE SmartData and IEEE HDIS. He is also the active reviewer for 40+ journals in Computer Science area, including ToN, TMC, TSC, TPDS, ICDCS. He has been invited to give keynotes/oral presentations for 20+ times.
As principle investigator (PI) or Co-PI, Minxian Xu has obtained 10+ competitive research grants, including government grants like National Natural Science Foundation of China, Key R & D plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Shenzhen Science and Technology Program, and leading companies like Alibaba and Huawei, totalling over 3 million RMB after obtaining his PhD degree in 2019. His research outputs have been utilized by Alibaba Cloud and Huawei Cloud to optimize datacentre resource utilization with over 20% improvement.
In 2020-2022, due to the COVID, Chinese students cannot enter Australia for study, Minxian has offered several visiting student positions for master/PhD students at University of Melbourne to support their study. The positions cover their accommodation and living expenses in Shenzhen, thus the students can study courses remotely and conduct research. Mr. Song, who was a master student at University of Melbourne (study remotely), has published 4 high-quality papers and applied 7 patents during his visit at SIAT, under the supervision of Minxian. Minxian also has firm collaboration with Australia researchers. Minxian have co-authored 18 research papers with Australia researchers from University of Melbourne and Monash University. He has collaborated with several Australia researchers, to receive the CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative, which will support their visits to China.

徐敏贤,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。博士毕业于澳大利亚墨尔本大学,入选深圳市海外高层次人才”孔雀计划”、广东省海外博士后引进计划。主要研究方向为云计算系统资源管理,已在相关领域发表论文50余篇, 2篇入选ESI高被引论文,谷歌学术引用2000余次,包括ACM CSUR (x3), ACM TOIT, IEEE TSUSC (x4), IEEE TCC, IEEE TASE, IEEE TGCN and ICSOC(x3)等高水平国际期刊会议论文多篇,博士毕业论文获得2019 IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing颁发的Outstanding博士毕业论文奖(仅5人获奖)。担任Software: Practice and Experience期刊特刊客座编辑,以及CCGRID、ScalCom、HDIS等10余个会议的程序主席、程序委员会成员,常年担任CSUR,TC,TPDS, ToN,TMC, TSC, TSUSC, TCC, TASE, TGCN,TNSM,TII,TETCI,ICDCS等40余个期刊会议的审稿人,受邀进行会议主题报告、口头报告20余次。申请PCT/发明专利10余项。

徐博士主持和参与国家级、省部级、市级、行业代表性企业项目多项,包括主持国家自然科学青年基金,负责科技部国家重点研发计划子专题、中国科学院国际人才交流计划(杰出学者x2、访问学者x2),主持深圳市博士启动项目、中科院深圳先进技术研究院优秀青年基金 (结题优秀),联合主持阿里巴巴创新研究计划、华为产学研项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省重点研发计划项目、深圳市承接国家重大项目等多项。现为CCF分布式计算与系统专委会执行委员、体系结构专委会执行委员、服务计算专委会执行委员。



Yulong Sun
Research Associate Fellow
The University of New South Wales
University of Technology Sydney Alumnus

Dr. Yulong Sun’s journey, distinguished by a Ph.D. from University of Technology Sydney (2019) and further enriched by scholarly pursuits at Tsinghua, Jilin, Northwestern, and Durham Universities, epitomises a relentless quest for innovation in supramolecular chemistry, nanomaterials, and tribology. Dr. Sun’s ground-breaking work seamlessly melds supramolecular chemistry with biomedical engineering, spawning innovative breakthroughs in drug delivery, biosensors, and regenerative medicine. He has also formulated pioneering methodologies in tribology to devise superior surface lubrication platforms. This has propelled advancements in hydration lubrication, host-guest chemistry, and surface conjugation. Boasting 48 premier publications, an h-index of 26, and 3177 citations, Dr. Sun’s scholarly outputs have markedly eclipsed field averages, evidenced by a SciVal field-weighted citation impact of 4.06. His innovative contributions have earned him prestigious accolades, including the “Falling Walls Lab Australia,” “National Postgraduate Scholarship,” and “UCAS Advanced Research Assistant Award.” Dr. Sun’s active engagement in academic initiatives and collaborations underscores his commitment to enhancing Australia-China relations, fostering knowledge exchange, and making contributions for future scientific cooperation between the two nations, emphasizing his dedication to advancing scientific excellence and bridging endeavours between China and Australia.
孙宇龙博士于2019年获悉尼科技大学的博士学位,并在清华大学、吉林大学、美国西北大学和英国杜伦大学等全球知名学府深造,在超分子化学、纳米材料和摩擦学等领域展现了其持续创新的精神。孙博士的开创性研究成功地将超分子化学与生物医学工程相融合,在药物输送、生物传感器和再生医学方面取得了创新性的突破。他还在摩擦学领域开创性地研发了自修复表面润滑平台,推动了润滑、主-客体化学和表面修饰的进展。目前为止,孙博士已成功发表了48篇高质量学术论文,h指数达到26,累计被引用3177次。他的学术成就显著超越了该领域的平均水平,SciVal领域加权引文影响因子高达4.06。他的创新贡献为他赢得了多项荣誉,包括”Falling Walls Lab Australia”


Rong Xu
Research Fellow
Monash University
La Trobe University Alumnus

As an emerging research leader in nanomedicine, Dr Xu leads the team to develop smart exosomes and glucose responsive nanoparticles for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and diabetes diseases. He was awarded competitive fellowships and grant, as well as prestigious awards (over 800,000 AUD), including Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Aboard (2017), Monash Future Leader Fellowship (2022), CASS foundation Medicine/Science grant (2023) and Bethlehem Griffiths Research Foundation (BGRF) grant (2023), Diabetes Australia, Millennium Award – type 1 diabetes (2023-24), for his work in smart nanomaterials for CVDs and diabetes prevention.
His tremendous efforts and success in nanomedicine research are evidenced by his 32 peer-reviewed papers in highly regarded international referred journals, 5 book chapters and over 4800 citations with an h-index of 21 (google scholar). Among those, He published seven as first author and one corresponding author and one co-senior author, incl the first author in J. Clin. Invest (IF 14.8), and co-first author in Nat. Rev. Clin. Onco (Top 5 in Oncology IF 66.675) and Adv Mater (Top 5 in Material science, IF 29.2) respectively.
He also continues an active presence in voluntary social work and community engagement activities among the Australia-China community. He is an Executive Committee Member of the Australia Chinese Association for Biomedical Sciences and an elected Vice-President of China Pharmaceutical University Alumni Association Australia and New Zealand.
2017年毕业于乐卓博大学(La Trobe University),现于莫纳什大学(Monash University)从事博士后研究工作。作为纳米医学领域的青年研究领导者,徐博士带领团队开发葡萄糖敏感纳米颗粒和智能外泌体,分别用于治疗糖尿病及心血管疾病。他获得了最具有竞争力人才计划,科研项目基金,以及奖项,并且荣获各类荣誉,如中国政府优秀自费留学生奖(2017年)、莫纳什未来领袖计划(2022年)、CASS基金会医学及科学奖(2023年)和BGRF基金会项目基金(2023年)、澳大利亚糖尿病协会项目基金(2023-24年),总科研经费高达80万澳币。已发表高水平文章32篇、专著章节5篇,其中第一作者文章7篇包括Nat Rev Onco Clin, Adv Mater, J. Clin. Invest,共同通讯作者2篇,他引数达4800次,并且h指数为21。此外他作为澳大利亚华人生物医学科学协会执行委员会委员,中国药科大学澳大利亚和新西兰校友会副会长,澳中社区志愿者,积极为两国科研交流起到纽带作用。


Yifan Zhong
University of Western Australia
Australia National University and Monash University Alumnus

Dr Yifan Zhong received his Doctor of Philosophy in Management from Monash University in 2019, Master of International Business from Monash University in 2015 and Bachelor of Finance from the Australian National University in 2012. Benefited from quality Australian education and research, Yifan Zhong is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Management and Organisations of UWA Business School and a Fellow of Centre for Business Data Analytics. He is also a Non-Resident Research Fellow of Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability at Monash Business School. Before joining UWA Business School, Yifan worked as a Lecturer in the Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Strategy and International Business Discipline at Curtin University after receiving his PhD from Monash University. Dr Yifan Zhong’s research examines the impact of various environmental policies and explores organisations’ strategic responses to changing external environmental factors. His work has been published in Energy Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, and Safety Science, among others. Yifan is currently an editor and referee for several academic journals. He is also a winner of the 2023 UWA Business School Early Career Research Award.

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