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2023 Study Queensland Alumni Award


Study Queensland Alumni Award

This Award recognizes the significant achievements of Queensland educated alumni in China. This Award celebrates all-round distinction in work, life and community service and aims to recognize an alumna/alumnus who has demonstrated excellence in her/his professional career and/or charitable activities, has supported to strengthen the Australia-China relationship and has potentials to influence and inspire others. 

Study Queensland is the State Government organization dedicated to promoting Queensland as a premier study destination and a preferred partner for education, training, research and innovation.

To view the finalists of other categories please click HERE


Miao Yu

University of Queensland


Xiaoxiang Wang

Queensland University of Technology


Yuan Jiang

Queensland University of Technology


Yilin Chen

James Cook University


Li He

James Cook University


Margarita Yao

University of Southern Queensland


Sisi Bi

University of Queensland


Huiming Lin

Bond University


Longjie Roger Cui

Griffith University


Fei He

University of Queensland


Wuqi Qiu

Griffith University


Peter Osborne

Griffith University


Bing Liu

Queensland University of Technology


Miao Yu
National President
Australia China Youth Association
University of Tasmania and University of Queensland Alumna

I am profoundly honored to be a finalist for the Study Queensland Alumni Award. Queensland was my academic home for six transformative years, where I earned master’s degrees in Chinese translation and education from the University of Queensland and Griffith University.
Through rigorous studies and cultural immersion, I honed expertise in Chinese translation and deepened my understanding of education dynamics. This diverse knowledge enables meaningful contributions to academia and culture.My dual master’s degrees represent a commitment to excellence, providing a comprehensive understanding of Chinese translation and education methodologies, along with vital cross-cultural experiences.
In tandem with studies, I actively engaged with the community. From participating and leading Australia China Youth Association (ACYA initiatives fostered cultural exchange, while teaching at the multiple Chinese Language Centers shared the richness of language and culture. Volunteering at Chinese festivals further bridged cultural gaps.
Consideration for the Study Queensland Alumni Award is a true honor, reflecting enriching years in Queensland. This experience, beyond academics, shaped my cultural awareness and community involvement. My heartfelt gratitude to ACAA for this recognition. Together, we strengthen bonds between Queensland and its global alumni community.


Xiaoxiang Wang
Research Scientist
Queensland University of Technology Alumnus

• Work as a research scientist at Anteotech, an esteemed publicly listed organization in Australia, I was privileged to contribute significantly to the advancement of energy storage technologies in support of Queensland’s clean energy transition and Australia’s carbon zero emission goals.
• Published over 15 high cited papers.
• Australian Nanotechnology Network (ANN) conference support award
• Postdoctoral researcher experience in QUT and USQ.
• QUT HDR High Achiever Award
• QUT Postgraduate Research Award
• QUT Tuition Fee Sponsorship

Community Achievement
• First Chinese who won both Natural bodybuilding Australia Federation pro card and won the national professional athletes competition champion (2021).
• Writing free Chinese couplets in the community to share the joy of the season with
our neighbours, promoting Chinese culture and spreading the knowledge of calligraphy during
the Spring Festival.
• Fo Guang Shan Chung Tian Temple worked as a volunteer and donation.
• Work in a multicultural company and gained respect as a Chinese.

• 在澳大利亚上市公司Anteotech做富硅负极材料开发,用于快速充电锂离子电池,以遵循昆士兰州政府清洁能源转型和澳大利亚零碳排放的目标
• 高影响因子期刊上发表15篇高引文章
• 在昆士兰科技大学和南昆士兰大学担任博士后研究员。
• 澳大利亚纳米技术网络会议支持奖

• 首位同时获得2021年澳大利亚自然健美联合会全国比赛冠军,职业卡以及获得澳大利亚自然健美联合会全国职业健美比赛冠军(2021年)的中国人。
• 在社区免费写送春联福字与社区邻居分享中国传统节日的氛围喜气,借此推广中国文化并传播中国传统书法文化给社区下一代。
• 作为佛光山钟天寺的志愿者多次捐款支持。
• 在一个多元文化的公司工作,并作为中国人获得尊重。


Yuan Jiang
Executive Officer at Charles Sturt University
Queensland University of Technology alumnus

Dr. Jon Yuan Jiang completed his PhD at Queensland University of Technology in 2023. He speaks Russian. He has authored approximately 80 articles across various media outlets, think tanks, and academic journals, including South China Morning Post, The Diplomat, Lowy Institute, The Jamestown Foundation, The Canberra Times, and Area Development and Policy. His forthcoming book, based on his PhD research, will be published by Routledge.
He has been interviewed on 70 occasions by media outlets such as NBC News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and Deutsche Welle, among others. Additionally, he has been invited to deliver seminars at the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, Shanghai University, Shandong University, and the Development Strategy Center in Uzbekistan.
With a diverse background encompassing business (consulting and sales), media, think tanks, and academia, Dr. Jiang’s strength lies in his wealth of experience. His early professional journey included roles as an account/client manager at ZTE Corporation in Moscow, followed by positions as a special correspondent for Hong Kong-based Asia Weekly and Shanghai-based Pengpai News. Subsequently, he founded Lockbreakers consulting firm. His most recent position was as a consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers.
姜源博士于2023年在昆士兰科技大学完成了博士学位。他讲俄语。他在媒体、智库和学术期刊上发表了大约80篇文章,包括南华早报、外交家、洛伊研究所、詹姆斯敦基金会、堪培拉时报、国际澳大利亚媒体和区域发展与政策等。基于他博士研究的书籍即将由Routledge出版。他曾接受过70次媒体采访,包括NBC新闻、澳大利亚广播公司和Deutsche Welle等媒体。此外,他曾受邀在澳中关系国家基金会、上海大学、山东大学和乌兹别克斯坦发展战略中心等机构举办研讨会。


Yilin Chen
Deputy General Manager
Wanli Transportation Co.,Ltd
James Cook University Alumna


Chen Yilin led the professional team of Wanli Transportation Co., Ltd. to undertake responsibility, work hard and achieve good results, her management team has built an integrated regional urban-rural transportation project and innovated a green freight distribution mode. By providing excellent services in logistics , technology and management, the company was awarded the “National Advanced Logistics Enterprise”. Chen Yilin  participated in the battle to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic in Henan, and the heavy rain disaster relief in Henan in July 2021, undertook emergency transportation tasks, and was awarded the “Advanced Collective for Combating the COVID-19 Epidemic in Henan Province”. While actively building a corporate safe&healthy culture, safeguard employees’ labor protection rights and interests, Chen Yilin strengthened the protection of employee health, and helped the company win the honorary title of the excellent unit of the national “Health Cup”. Given outstanding behavior and excellent performance, Chen Yilin was awarded the “May 1st” labor model of Xuchang City.”



He Li
Australian Chain Brand Ultra Tune – Townsville City company director
Australia James Cook University Alumnus

澳洲连锁品牌Ultra Tune ——汤斯维尔City经理

Before his career in the automotive industry, Bruce Li was a professional table tennis player, starting his athletic career at the age of 10 and representing the provincial team before joining the national team training (one of only two selected). He achieved multiple medals in major competitions and retired from professional table tennis in 2009.
Bruce transitioned to academic pursuits and studied at James Cook University, initially at the Singapore campus and later at the main campus in Townsville. During his time at the university, he actively participated in student activities, serving as the Vice President of the Volunteer Association and organizing various events, including charity bike rides in Singapore, JCU Got Talent, and visits to kidney patients. He also contributed to the university’s opening ceremony band performance. In 2015, he graduated from James Cook University with a Bachelor of Business degree.
Now Bruce Li is the director of the Ultra Tune car service center in Townsville City, Australia, which is the only car service center in Townsville that provides services in Chinese. He has excelled in the mechanical industry over the past seven years, increasing sales by threefold, and the Townsville City branch of Ultra Tune has risen from ranking 60th to top 20th among 80 stores in Queensland.
In addition to his professional work, Bruce is actively involved in Townsville local community. During the Townsville sister city event with Changshu City in Jiangsu Province and Foshan City in Guangdong Province of China, he served as an interpreter for the Mayor of Townsville City, facilitating friendly exchanges between sister cities and bridging cultural understanding. The Mayor of Townsville City praised Mr. Li for his significant contributions to the multicultural development of Townsville. Bruce is also a member of the Townsville City Chinese Association and has organized and emceed the Chinese New Year banquet on multiple occasions. Besides, Bruce won the Australian National Table Tennis Team Championship in 2014 and the Queensland State Table Tennis Men’s Singles Championship in 2015. Thus, he is also helping local table tennis enthusiasts promote table tennis sport.

退役后于2011年进入詹姆斯库克大学新加坡校区学习,后转入澳大利亚主校区(汤斯维尔campus)。在校期间积极参与学生活动,任志愿者协会副主席,组织了骑行新加坡、JCU Got Talent 、肾病医院慰问患者等活动,并参与了开学典礼乐队表演。于2015年在澳大利亚詹姆斯库克大学毕业,获得商学学士学位。

Bruce目前在汤斯维尔市的Ultra Tune车行担任经理,这是汤斯维尔市唯一一家提供中文服务的车行。他帮助新到达的中国留学生和本地华人、西人解决汽车问题。在过去的七年里,他在机械行业表现出色,使销售额增加了三倍。Ultra Tune 汤斯维尔City店在昆士兰州的80家门店中从之前排名60位跃升至前20名。


Ms Margarita Yao
General Counsel/ VP of legal affairs, Trina Solar
University of Southern Queensland alumna
La Trobe University alumna

Have been recognized by peers and legal industry at large and won Outstanding Energy In House Attorney 2021, Excellent Performer in Dispute Resolution and Excellent Performer in Cross Board Deal Attorney awards, organized by China Commercial Business Law Journal (CBLJ) – a notorious legal journal for Asia based out of Hong Kong.
Won Top 15 In House Lawyer hosted by Reuter Thomson Asia Business Law (ABL)- this award is the Oscar equivalent of our legal industry. This award carries extreme weight in the industry.
(1) Setting up legal practice qualification within Trina, enabling us to practice as private attorneys – by pushing to improve the quality of in-house team and having a qualification as our requirement increased exponentially our hiring difficulty. By creating a valued and dynamic team to ensure we can attract the best and most suitable people to join.
(2) Having legal department taking initiative into business dealing and heading litigation team recovered debt that is beyond status of limitation, and contributing over 90Mm RMB profit to the company bottom line, making legal department a profit center- the process is a uphill battle that is challenge our perseverance and intelligence. The team does not
(3) Revolutionized how in-house legal team as run; and rolled out billing system within the company to record and allocate legal value creation benchmark- this change is significant and extremely difficult to roll out from both internal resistance from legal staff and company business department. But our communication and persistence and most of all, our quality of support and value has made this possible.
(4) Turning legal department into true counsel instead of risk control personnel; using our industry knowledge and our legal expertise to generate solutions and ensures company reaching profit and turnover target Revolutionized how in-house legal department is run.

姚子然女士拥有佛罗里达大学国际金融学士和法学博士(Judicial Doctor; J.D)双学位,以及澳大利亚南昆士兰大学MBA(贸易法类)硕士学位。2000年初随欧洲老牌律师事务所回到中国开始在其在中国的执业生涯,拥有18年的国内国外职业诉讼经验,以并购交易和资本市场白领犯罪诉讼为其专业领域。现任天合光能股份有限公司总法务顾问一职。




Sisi Bi
Australian College of Tourism and Information Technology
University of Queensland Alumna

Sisi Bi is an outstanding Australian education and business leader whose journey is filled with courage, innovation, and excellence. With a research background in electronic information technology, optical engineering technology, and biotechnology, she has published numerous international papers and holds six international patents. Her achievements extend beyond the academic realm as she has also pioneered her own ventures in the fields of tourism, information technology, and vocational education.
In 2015, Sisi founded Make Trips Pty Ltd, making a significant mark in the Chinese market through unique personalized services and meticulously planned high-end travel experiences. She has facilitated multiple visits of Australian government and education delegations to China, fostering mutual cooperation and educational exchanges, thereby bridging the gap between the two nations.
In 2020, Sisi established INTECAU, an innovative IT company renowned for its inventive solutions and exceptional customer service. Her determination and foresight have enabled her to recognize the growing demand for technical professionals in the tourism and information technology sectors. Consequently, she founded a vocational education college catering to both domestic and international students, offering high-quality training in tourism and information technology. The meticulously designed courses align with industry requirements, equipping students with the practical skills needed for excellence in their chosen fields.
Sisi is also a board member of the Multicultural Women’s Job Ready Support & Network. Through training, guidance, and industry support, this association promotes employment opportunities for women and youth from diverse cultural backgrounds, making a positive contribution to society and the industry.


在2015年,思思创办了Make Trips迈思文旅,以其独特的个性化服务和策划的高端旅行及文化教育交流体验而在中国市场迅速崭露头角,曾组织了澳大利亚政府和教育代表团多次访问中国,以增强中澳之间的相互合作和教育交流,为两国之间的文化交流搭建了桥梁。


她同时也是Multicultural Women’s Job Ready Support & Network的董事成员。该协会通过培训、指导和提供行业支持,促进了多元文化背景的妇女和青年就业,为社会和行业做出积极贡献。


Huiming Lin
Managing Partner and Solicitor
Auslaw Partners
Bond University and Australian National University Alumnus

Mr Huiming Lin, graduated from Bond University of Queensland in 2016 and now acting as the Managing Partner of Auslaw Partners (, is among a rare breed of practitioners, who holds legal practice certificates across three countries: Australia, China, and New Zealand.

To demystify Australian law for broader audiences, Huiming has dedicated his efforts to developing educational resources. He has initiated the Auslaw Review (, a first-of-its-kind platform for disseminating essential knowledge of Australian law in Chinese and published more than half a million words of original legal content, and some of Mr Huiming Lin’s key accomplishments include:
l   2023 Winner, Future Leader of Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA) Awards
l   2023 Finalist for New Partner of the Year (3 years or less) – Lawyers Weekly
l   2023 Selected for Most Influential Lawyers – Australasian Lawyers
l   2023 Awardee for Young Private Practice Lawyer of the Year – Australasian Law Awards
l   2022 Finalist for Nick Xynias Multicultural Young Business Person of the Year – Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Awards for Business

These roles and achievements underline Huiming’s unwavering dedication to enhancing legal access and understanding within Australia’s multicultural communities. Despite the demands of establishing and managing a rapidly growing law firm, he employs corporate management skills and takes corporate social responsibilities to meet the expectations of clients from multicultural communities.
林汇铭先生,于2016年毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰州邦德大学,现担任澳大利亚Auslaw Partners的执行合伙人,是一位罕见的从业者,拥有澳大利亚、中国和新西兰三个国家的法律执业证书。

为了向更广泛的受众解释澳大利亚法律,林汇铭先生致力于开发教育资源。他发起了Auslaw Review,这是一个首创的平台,用中文传播澳大利亚法律的重要知识,并发表了超过50万字的原创法律内容。此外,林汇铭先生的一些重要成就包括:
l   2023年澳大拉西亚法律实践管理协会(ALPMA)未来领袖奖获得者
l   2023年律师周刊(Lawyers Weekly)新合伙人奖(3年或以下)入围者
l   2023年被澳大拉西亚律师(Australasian Lawyers)选为最有影响力的律师
l   2023年澳大拉西亚法律大奖(Australasian Law Awards)年轻私人执业律师奖获得者
l   2022年布里斯班市长多元文化业务奖(Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Awards for Business)入围者



Dr. Roger Longjie Cui
Company Pianist
Queensland Ballet
Griffith University Alumnus

Born in China, Dr. Roger Longjie Cui is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist currently based in Brisbane. He holds a Master in Music from the University of Music in Karlsruhe, Germany. And was awarded a doctorate in music from Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium in 2022. 
Dr. Cui has held positions as piano lecturer and head of piano both in Germany as well as in Australia. He is currently a full-time company pianist at Queensland Ballet, as well as casual chamber music assistant at Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium.
Dr. Cui is a strong advocate for multiculturalism and cross-cultural exchanges. Upon a critically acclaimed performance of the Yellow River Piano Concerto at the 2021 Mainland Chinese Society Gala held at the Brisbane City Hall, Dr. Cui has been invited to give return performances. In 2023, Dr. Cui will team up with Courtney Cleary (violinist) to perform The Sun shines on Tashikuergan.

2023年,崔隆杰将于世界知名青年小提琴家Courtney Cleary合作演绎《太阳照耀塔什库尔干》。


Fei He
Superintendent – HR systems and Data
Rio Tinto
University of Queensland Alumna

In 2023, I executed a transformative human capital project within our mining company’s data and systems department, resulting in a remarkable $32 million in cost savings. This initiative involved a meticulous analysis of vendor qualifications, optimizing vendor contracts to meet the highest standards.
In the past few years, I successfully implemented a predictive maintenance system, reducing equipment downtime by 20% and generating annual savings of $10 million. Additionally, I led a team to optimize data processing, reducing the time required for data access by 30% and achieving significant savings in valuable man-hours.
In my personal life, I have been dedicated to mentoring high school girls interested in the mining industry. I have not only helped them explore future career options but have also actively assisted them in securing valuable work experience opportunities and guiding them through university applications, ensuring they have the best chance to pursue their dreams in the mining industry.
These achievements in professional endeavours and personal mentoring have a positive impact on the current mining operations and the future of the mining industry.



Wuqi Qiu
Director, Public Health Strategy Research Office, and Department of Research and Education
Institute of Medical Information/ Centre for Health Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
Griffith University Alumnus

As the Director of Public Health Strategy Research Office, Institute of Medical Information, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Dr. Wuqi Qiu has been actively involved in leading research projects of national significance. These include developing strategies to address key population health challenges such as early diagnosis and treatment for cancer, the prevention and control of pandemic infection, and policy research to improve access to medical information and public health management systems. His body of work has gained world-wide attention through his many publications and advisory efforts. As a researcher, he has won over 50 project grants, produced over 160 peer-reviewed English and Chinese journal articles, editing and contributing chapters in 19 books, received 21 academic and professional awards. Among them, the most popular article “The Pandemic and its Impacts”, as revealed by Research Gate, has been cited 321 times and read by more than 123,450 international scholars. He also serves on the editorial board of several high ranking scientific journals such as PLOS ONE and Health Care Science, and is a reviewer for 22 influential Journals including The Lancet Infectious Diseases, and the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
Research Gate统计,其中最受欢迎的文章《The andemic and its Impacts》已被引用316次,超过12.3万名国际学者阅读。他还兼任《PLOS ONE》和《Health Care cience》等学术期刊编辑委员会成员,并担任《Lancet Infectious Diseases》和《Bulletin of the World Health Organization》等22家有影响的期刊审稿人。


Peter Osborne
Chairman, Director, Strategic Advisor
Griffith University and Charles Sturt University alumnus

Over a 30 plus year career as both an Australian Senior Trade Commissioner in Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing and in the private sector as Managing Director Asia for Blackmores, I have made significant contributions to the Australia-China relationship at both a diplomatic and commercial level.  I had primary responsibility for Blackmores entry into the China market in 2012 and in that role until 2020 grew the business from zero to over A$200 million in sales. As a Board Director and advisor to a number of major Australian companies since early 2020 I have supported the market entry and expansion of major brands such as Inner Health, v2 Foods, Vita Life Sciences, Deliciou and others.  I am an Advisory Board member of the Australia Chine Research Institute at UTS, Tsinghua University, Beijing special research fellow for the China National Social Science Foundation Project on the Cross Culture Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and previously held the position of Vice-Chairman, China Association for Quality Inspection (CAQI), under the supervision of the China State Administration for Market Regulation.  I was the first and only foreign national to hold this position.


Ms Liu Bing
Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
Queensland University of Technology

Liu Bing is currently the Deputy Consul-General and Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner at the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai. Bing managed the Austrade East China network of offices by providing business opportunities and services for Australian entities in trade, education and inward investment.  Prior to this role, Bing worked as Senior China Adviser; Acting General Manager, Asia; Acting Executive Director, International Markets and Asia Lead, Global Markets based in Austrade’s Sydney office.
Bing has worked in similar roles both at the Australian Consulate in Guangzhou and the Australian Embassy in Beijing respectively from 2004-2012.  Bing holds a bachelor degree of Medicine from China and a bachelor degree of Nursing from Queensland University of Technology. 
Bing excels at people skills, her ability of critical and creatively thinking had helped many businesses and organisations solving problems in the Greater China market.  Her professionalism has impressed everyone who worked with her.  Bing has won recognition from her own agency and the Australian business community.  For example, in 2022, Bing won both the Australian Day Award and the Austcham Woman in Leadership Award.   


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