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2022 Australian Ambassador’s Award for Women in Leadership


Australian Ambassador’s Award for Women in Leadership

This award is designed to celebrate and honour a woman who not only inspires others but has also proven herself a leader in her field. 

Opened to female alumni only, nominees may come from any sector, including business, government, non-profit and academia and should have demonstrated a commitment to the Australia-China community in China.

All nominees should have made significant strides and accomplishments in their work life, either in the public or private sector.

To view the finalists of other categories please click HERE


Amy Liu


Kelly Yang


Susuan Zhang


Yijie Zhu




Ms Amy Liu
Charle Yeung Clement Lam Liu & YipSolicitors & Notaries
University of Melbourne alumna


I reckon that my selection was a blessing of my Australian education. Since the return of my family and myself from Australia in the 1980s, I value each and every opportunity I nnay have to introduce to my friends, relatives, colleagues and clients the advantage and merits of an Australian education and to encourage them to send their children to Australia either for high school or for tertiary education. In the 1990s, my daughter was a boarder at PLC in Melbourne who was later accepted and enrolled at the Medical School of the Melbounre University. She has practised medicine in Melbourne,London and is now practising as a respiratory and ICU specialist in Hong Kong. Likewise, my son was a boarder at Scotch College in Melbourne and he was later accepted and enrolled at Law School of Melbourne University. My son was admitted to practise as a Barrister and Solicitor in New South Wales, Victoria and Hong Kong. He is now an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley. To receive education in Australia has become a tradition in our family.

I will continue to promote Australian education and the Australian way of life not only to my relatives, friends, colleagues, but also to my clients. During my practice,I have met clients who have either migrated to Australia and returned to Hong Kong to work or received tertiary education in Australia and are now working and living in Hong Kong. I always encourage them to join their respective Alumni Associations in Hong Kong to play an active role in alumni work to show their gratitude to their alma mater. I will continue to promote Australia education and culture to the Hong Kong community especially to the younger generations.


Ms Kelly Yang
Vice President & General Manager
Imperial Springs Health (Kingold Group)
University of Sydney alumna


Kelly YANG Ling, Vice President and General Manager of Imperial Spring Health, a subsidiary of the Kingold Group.
Kelly is an alumnus from the University of Sydney’s Healthcare Management program. Since graduation in 2002, she put the knowledge she gained during her study in Australia to better healthcare for humankind. With over two decades of management and clinical experience leading globally renowned hospitals in Singapore, the US, and China, Kelly is dedicated to bridging the gap between international leading healthcare organizations and medical services providers in China.
Kelly has been in executive leadership role since her early 30s managing many globally renowned healthcare organizations including CEO and COO for both UCLA Health and Cleveland Clinic’s hospital projects in China. Kelly is a rare example of a woman and a trained nurse breaking the glass ceiling, raising to such high position in both China and Singapore.
During her tenure at Luye Medical, she also oversaw Luye’s global healthcare operation including Healthe Care in Australia. She was fully responsible for the business plans, financial models, operational leadership, human resource building, clinical development, knowledge transfer and training. 
Kelly joined Imperial Springs Health in April 2022 with a vision of transforming this hospital into a world-class health management organization. Filling in the vacuum of the pre-emptive healthcare management space by delivering services in prevention and early intervention of diseases. She established twelve centres of excellence to provide holistic, integrated, and personalized health management program to clients.
In addition to that, Kelly was COO for Farrer Park Hospital Singapore, and served senior clinical leadership roles in Delta Hospital Shanghai, Mount Alvernia Hospital, Khoo Teck Puet Hospital, and Changi Hospital in Singapore, responsible for operation management, cost structure and marketing across multiple clinical and operational departments. She participated in five JCI validation assessments and knowledgeable of all International Patient Safety Goals and standards. In new hospital construction, Kelly builds value structure, culture and quality mechanism, delivers project to fruition through the unwavering focus on the hospital’s vision and mission.
杨玲担任医院领导岗近20年,作为项目负责人参与管理过包括美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心和克利夫兰诊所在中国的落地医院项目。在中国和新加坡等受传统亚洲文化影响深远的国家里,她是少有的以女性和护士双重身份打破医疗管理领域玻璃天花板的榜样。在任绿叶医疗首席运营官期间,她全面负责绿叶的全球医疗业务,包括绿叶澳大利亚的Health Care项目,把控业务规划、财务模式、运营、人力资源建设、临床开发、知识转移和培训等工作。


Susan Zhang
Product Localisation Teams Lead, Global Services, Canva
University of Wollongong alumna


From an international student in Australia to a global tech leader, from an introvert to a TEDx speaker, from a software engineer to a senior director, the only constant in her life is change. Her boundless energy, sharp business acumen, entrepreneurial leadership and growth mindset serve as a powerful guide for current and future alumni to step outside their comfort zone.
Susan joined Google Sydney in 2014 to manage the ‘G Suite’ products and quickly advanced to the BD Manager for Google Arts & Culture, overseeing the launch of key national programs to digitise and preserve Australia’s cultural heritage for a global audience. In 2016, she was promoted to Google UK to lead large-scale advertising solutions in Europe.
On a fast trajectory to the highest echelons of Google, Susan surprised everyone when she resigned in 2018 to join ByteDance where she led the company’s international expansion and monetisation org, guiding its meteoric rise to become the world’s most valuable startup.
She returned to London in 2020 as General Partner for MorningLight, a UK-based VC firm investing in education, smart logistics and healthcare startups across three continents. Now back in Sydney, she is the Product Localisation Teams Lead at Canva, the world’s largest female-founded and woman-led startup.
Susan is also a published author and a valued mentor for young entrepreneurs around the world.
从兼职打工的澳洲留学生到中英澳一路闯关的科技领导者,从内向胆怯到TEDx演讲,从软件工程师到高级总监, 不断改变才是Susan永恒不变的主题。她无限的能量、敏锐的商业头脑、创新的领导力和成长心态是当前和未来校友踏出舒适区的指南针。
Susan 2014年入职Google悉尼,负责管理企业云端解决方案(Google Suite),同年迅速晋升为 Google 艺术与文化的商务拓展经理,负责头部澳洲文化数字化工程,为全球观众提供了线上海量艺术品的远程高清浏览,并为保护澳大利亚的文化遗产做出了重大贡献。 2016 年,她凭出色的技术表现和团队推荐被提拔到Google英国,领导欧洲企业部署全球广告解决方案。
2020年她重返伦敦,担任辰光资本合伙人,参与领投了遍布三大洲的教育、智能物流和医疗保健等初创公司。如今回到悉尼,加盟可画(Canva) – 世界上最大的女性创立和女性主导的创业公司, 受任产品国际化总监,带领多个海外团队将公司的创意设计平台推广落地到世界的各个角落。


Ms. Yijie Zhu
Greater China Head, HOK International (Beijing) Limited
Deakin University alumna


Ms. Yijie Zhu is currently the Greater China Head of a subsidiary of HOK, a leading global design, architecture, engineering and planning firm serving some of the world’s most demanding clients from a network of 24 offices on three continents, with design work underway on buildings on six continents. She oversees finance, human resources, legal and office operations, working collaboratively with regional finance and human resources directors located around the world, as well as the head office’s global legal department.  

​In addition to career advancement, Yijie has continued to pursue it along my career path. As FCPA, she has been an active participant in CPA Australia events and professional seminars and has also been committed to promoting and supporting the broader Australia-China relationship and activities.
​Yijie is passionate about giving back to the community and advocating for equality in life, while striving for sparkle and meaning in humanity. She has joined the Toastmaster Club and share the life and career experiences, expertise and cutting-edge developments in the industry at club events. As a volunteer after-school counsellor, she led children from the Children’s Palace to achieve the FIRST League Jr. MISSION MOON World Festival Expo. Houston and won the 2019 Robotics Competition Championship.
​Yijie loves her family and enjoys spending time with them, and truly appreciates their best and strongest back-up. ​As women, we have the independence to be masters of our own destiny. The pressure that would have crushed us has turned us into diamonds. Empowering women, leading the way!
朱一捷热衷于回馈社会,倡导生命平等,同时努力追求人性的闪光和意义。她加入Toastmaster演讲俱乐部,在俱乐部活动中分享生活和职业经验、专业知识和行业的前沿发展。另外,作为志愿课后辅导员,她还指导少年宫的孩子们参加各种机器人比赛, 特别是在2019年,带领的青少年乐高团队晋级参与在休斯顿举办的FIRST League Jr. MISSION MOON世界大赛,并赢得了年度冠军。


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