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2022 Australia China Alumni Award for Corporate Achievement


Australia China Alumni Award for Corporate Achievement

This award celebrates alumni who have made significant accomplishments within a corporate environment across all industry sectors.  

It seeks to recognise both established and emerging commercial leaders, all of whom should have been able to demonstrate leadership ability, a flair for her or his field, and a passion for corporate social responsibility.

This Award is sponsored by CPA Australia.

Founded in 1886 CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest professional accounting bodies representing more than 170,000 members working in over 100 countries and regions around the world, with more than 28,000 members working in senior leadership positions.

CPA Australia advances its members’ interests through its focus on education and knowledge exchange, the development of professional networks, advocacy in relation to policy, standards and regulation and the promotion of value of CPA Australia members to employers, government, regulators and the public. The CPA Australia designation denotes strategic business leadership and is recognised and valued throughout the world.

CPA Australia has offices in all Australian capital cities, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

To view the finalists of other categories please click HERE


Bo Jiang


Leo Li


Helen Na Li


Helen Li


Benson Liu


Andrew Nip


Baiping Shen


Yuchao Wang


Margarita Yao


Andrew Ye


Anthony Yeh


Yingzhong Wang



Bo Jiang
Deputy General Manager, Strategic Development Department
Guobao Life Insurance Co. Ltd
Macquarie University Alumnus


Bo graduated from Macquarie University in 2008, Master of Actuarial Practice, Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting, CPA Australia, and served in large enterprises such as New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd and Sichuan Development Holding Co., Ltd. Since 2018, He has been appointed as the head of the Strategic Development Department of Guobao Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Seriously by understanding and implementing the company’s strategy, he fully applied the professional abilities to the preparation and operation of branches. With the tightening of the national financial regulatory policy, Guobao Life obtained the approval for the establishment of two provincial branches in Beijing and Chongqing in one month, which is the first step towards the national layout of Guobao Life and a key step to the formation of a national financial institution. It has also created a new national record of one insurance institution being approved by two provincial branches within one year in the past 10 years. The opening and operation of Beijing and Chongqing branches has played a significant role in enhancing the national influence of Guobao Life and even Sichuan’s financial industry. Therefore, he was named the “Superstar of Guobao “.



Leon Li
Lead Consultant, International SOS, China
University of Canberra alumnus


Leon Li is the lead consultant, risk management for International SOS China, based in Beijing. In this role, his main responsibilities are to provide security consultancy, training, crisis management services for inbound multinational foreign companies and outbound Chinese companies. Leon has the Master Degree in Management from University of Canberra.
Before joining the private sector in 2017, Leon Li was a senior Beijing Police officer with 19 years extensive experience in multiple policing functions including community policing, criminal investigation, digital forensic and counter-terrorism. From 2010-2011, he was selected as a UN peacekeeping police officer and deployed to Haiti for UN peace keeping mission (MINUSTAH). Then, after returning China, he worked in the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Beijing Liaison Office from 2012-2013. During his police career, Leon received a number of significant awards such as 1 United Nations Peace Medal and 1 Peacekeeping Medal of Honor, 1 Personal Second-class Merit, 4 Personal Commendations and 1 Collective First-class Merit etc.

Leon Li has rich overseas corporate security management experience. He offered security and crisis management services for many multinational enterprises operating in high-risk countries such as Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. From 2020-2021, Leon Li worked for a famous multinational high-tech company as a senior regional security expert, in charge of the asset/personnel protection of 29 high-risk and conflicting countries such as Libya, Ethiopia, Chad, DRC, Sudan and South Sudan etc. Due to Leon’s excellence contribution, he was highly recognized by the client, receiving a series of personal awards and medals from the client company. Leon has also delivered security trainings to more than 1000 expats and business travelers from different multinational companies.
Leon Li is the first Chinese to achieve the global top security professional certificates- American Security Industry Society (ASIS) Triple Crown Certifications (CPP, PSP, PCI). He is also a first Chinese Fellow of the world-class International Security Management Institute (ISMI®). He is also the International Certified Counter-Terrorism Practitioner. He is currently the Vice Chairman of ASIS Shanghai Chapter as well as ASIS International Mentor. He is also the 2020 ACAA mentor.



黎明先生拥有各类顶级的安全管理认证,黎明是第一位包揽美国工业安全协会(ASIS)“三冠王”安全认证(CPP,PSP,PCI)的中国专家,此外,黎明先生还是英国国际安全管理研究院ISMI的第一位中国Fellow(研究员), 该Fellow全球范围内只有47名,黎明先生也是迄今唯一的一位中国人。此外,黎明先生还是国际反恐认证委员会(CTCB)的专业反恐从业人员(CCTP)。 黎明先生目前还担任ASIS Shanghai Chapter协会的副主席, ASIS International 认证导师,2020年度ACAA(澳中同学会)导师等职务。


Helen Na Li
Operation Head of VelaVigo (Shanghai) Ltd.
University of Technology Sydney alumna


Graduated with master of accounting degree from the University of Technology, Sydney, Helen, Na Li had an accelerated career promotion to Global Operation Manager who was in charge of 18 plants operation, annual spending reached USD 1 billion globally and support Global Operation VP daily manage Operation Office coordinating with all of OU in WuXi Biologics (Shanghai) as TOP 3 CDMO provider globally. from former Contracts Manager worked for BMS(China), now as Strategic passionate leader with extensive international background, now is promoted to Senior Director of VelaVigo (Shanghai) which obtained angle round investment USD 50million on Y2021. Over nearly 17 years, Helen, Na Li excelled in her operation management career with different multinationals across Asia, European and US sites, first as Marketing Specialist in CSCEC(Shanghai) on 2003 and now Senior Director of Operation Management for a global New Drugs R&D company. She is a value added and passionate female global leadership team and supports 13 plants construction until operation in China, Ireland, Germany and US. WuXi Biologics share price increased 300% in the past 5 years.

1) obtained Foreign R&D Center Qualification in 6 months  
2) built up its global R&D headquarter in Shanghai, and will set up an R&D footprint globally.
3) built up 1st LNG Plant in Shenzhen Dapeng Bay, Shenzhen City which is VIP national project and visited by Australia Prime Minister.
4) Supporting rural education. Working with Sichuan University one on one support program, supported girls in the minority of Sichuan Province in China to finish their secondary education.

5年时间成为全球TOP 3 CDMO领导者。原拜耳材料科技(中国)合同经理,现为具有广泛国际背景的战略且富有激情的领导者,现晋升为VelaVigo(上海)高级总监,该公司于2021年获得了5000万美元的天使轮投资。在近17年的时间里,李娜在亚洲、欧洲和美国的不同跨国公司的运营管理工作中表现出色,2003年开始担任中建集团(上海)办公室的市场专员,现在担任一家全球新药研发公司的运营管理高级总监。她是一位有价值而富有激情的女性全球领导团队,在中国、爱尔兰、德国和美国支持13家工厂的建设和运营。无锡药明生物过去的5年里股价上涨了300% 。
1) 在6个月内获得了国外研发中心资质
2) 在上海建立了全球研发总部,并将在全球建立研发足迹
3) 在深圳市大鹏湾建立了中国第一个液化天然气工厂,该工厂是国家的重点项目,曾受到澳大利亚总理的访问。


Helen Li
Director of Corporate Affairs, Cafe De Coral Holdings Limited
Macquarie University alumna


Led an ambitious achievement to implement the Smart Card and Customer Loyalty System (integrated the Points of Sales and Customer Loyalty system with Octopus Company) into all of Café de Coral’s outlets including eight different ‘brand’ restaurants for over 200 outlets in various locations in Hong Kong, Macau, and China. Dr. Li also being the pioneer of launching the Customer Loyalty system with Octopus Company in the restaurant industry in Hong Kong.

Maintained the long-term profitability of the Company by reinventing the Information Technology to the Company. Dr. Li also acted as the pioneer introducing a fully integrated Supply Chain Management System ‘SCM’ (including the integration of Business Management System (BMS) at all CDC retail outlets and Headquarter as well as the Enterprise Resources and Procurement (ERP) system at the Central Kitchen Processing System) in Hong Kong. A historical success and breakthrough of the migration and integration of the Computerised Information Systems (including the Finance and Accounts, Supply Chain Management and Human Resources Management System) from Year 1999 to a new era of Millennium Year 2000 :- the changeover of using new software and hardware system for stepping into the new era of Millennium Year 2000 overnight.

Conducted a PhD Study in 2004 including the research and case studies on how companies in Hong Kong deal with the process of planning and implementing computerised supply chain management systems and highlighting the difficulties being encountered for sharing with the senior management and practitioner in the industry.

帶領香港團隊在全香港大家樂集團分店落實安裝智能咭付款系統,電子收銀機系統及顧客忠誠購物系統,其中包括大家樂旗下八個不同品牌的餐廳及快餐分店。李博士當時和香港八達通公司開創先河,開展這個專有的顧客忠誠購物系統。李博士致力維持香港公司長遠的盈利貢獻,積極開創公司的科技發展,適時帶領公司安裝一套全新,自創研發的全新供應鏈系統(Supply Chain Management system)
其中包括在所有大家樂及八個品牌餐飲店安裝 B M S 系統,連接各門店及總部寫字樓,以及中央廚房的購貨、訂貨及物料製造系統。

為迎接及應對 2000 年世紀的來臨,李博士帶領團隊重新檢視及編制所有總部的電腦系統(包括財務及會計、供應鏈系統及人力資源系統等等)其中亦包括重新研發所有電腦軟件及更換所有電腦硬件,務求在踏入二千年的第一天一刻,使所有新系統能順利過渡及安全運作。這是一個世紀創舉及史無前例的大貢獻及經驗分享。李博士在 2004 的博士論文中,做了一些深入研究及問卷調查,分析關於香港公司,


Benson Liu
Managing Director,CEO of Qingdao Talent Group CO.LTD
University of Wollongong alumnus


Since graduating from the University of Wollongong in Australia in 2002 with a master’s degree in management, Liu Jianbin has held important positions in international and domestic well-known human resource service organizations such as FESCO, Randstad, China Chengtong Group, and served as the secretary general of the CHO Institute, the chief Human Resource officer of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, and the director of the CPHR Human Resource Management Association Beijing Branch of Canada.  Since 2021, he has served as the managing director of Qingdao Talent Group, a state-owned government talent work platform company initiated by the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, leading the team to promote and assist talent attraction, talent evaluation, talent training and high-level talent services in Shandong and Qingdao cities through market-oriented services of human resources.

自2002年澳大利亚University of Wollongong管理学硕士毕业后,刘建斌先后在FESCO、Randstad、中国诚通等国际和国内知名人力资源服务机构担任重要岗位的管理职务,同时担任长江商学院首席人才官CHO学会秘书长、加拿大CPHR人力资源管理协会北京分会理事等。2021年起他担任青岛市委市政府发起成立的国有政府人才工作抓手平台公司青岛人才集团董事总经理,带领团队通过人力资源的市场化服务来推动和助力山东及青岛城市的人才招引、人才评价、人才培养和高层次人才服务等。


Andrew Nip
Director of Talent, Asia , LVMH Fashion Group
Macquarie University alumnus

亚太区人才发展和招聘总监LVMH Fashion Group

Andrew joined LVMH in April 2022 as Director of Talent and Development for the APAC and Greater China regions.
Prior to joining the LVMH group, Andrew established his career at Hays, a global leader in specialist recruitment and advisory consultancy, where he worked for 13 years across multiple HR disciplines in many of their footprint markets – Australia, China, Japan. In his last role he was the Head of People & Culture for Greater China, as well as the Regional Head of Talent and Learning for Asia.
Andrew has served on multiple Boards and committees in the areas of ED&I and HR, driving and influencing change across various organizations. His focus on developing local talent in Multinational companies, promoting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Asia, and focus on young talent career development in the workplace have contributed to his profile as one of China’s key experts in talent and talent development.  Outside of work, he is involved in a number of voluntary positions with the Australian Chamber of Commerce Shanghai and with Stepping Stones.
Andrew’s passion is singular – to help organizations leverage the power of people through human-centric practices that foster inclusivity, authenticity, innovation and high performance.
Andrew曾任职于多个董事会和委员会,在ED&I和人力资源领域,推动和影响各种组织的变革。他专注于在跨国公司培养本土人才,促进亚洲的公平、多元化和包容性,以及关注职场青年人才的职业发展,这使他成为中国人才和人才发展领域的重要专家之一。工作之余,他还在上海澳大利亚商会和Stepping Stones担任多个志愿职位。


Baiping Shen
Director of Board, Infra-Apparel Groupe LTD, Singapore and Shanghai
Charles Sturt University alumnus


Baiping Shen is an experienced marketing professional with over 25 years with specialisation in building brand relationships for multi-national brands, managing campaigns, and promoting a new generation of strategic marketing through online platforms. Baiping has contributed to the marketing world, across continents and industries whilst collaborating with companies such as Mars, Arnott’s Biscuits, Coca-Cola, Procter and Gamble, Unilever, General Motors, Alibaba, and Ping An Insurance.
Baiping is a passionate teacher with a love of sharing his marketing insights with the next generation of marketers. This passion is evident as he uses his professional skills and abilities by training and sharing theoretical and practical insights to the next generation of advertising professionals.
The following lists the key milestones and contributions Baiping feels particularly proud of over the past thirty years of work with hundreds of marketing and advertising professionals from top-tier, global marketing firms and agencies. This journey started at Charles Sturt University, for which he states laid firm grounds for the successes throughout his career in the business world of over 30 years.
• 1995: Participated in Optus Vision launch in Australia
• 1998: Launched General Motors Buick brand in China, the second largest auto brand in China, with 828,627 cars sold in 2021
• 1999: Guided the consumer insight research for Procter & Gamble’s global first Category Development experiment to strengthen its dominating 40% market share in the hair care category through Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, and Vidal Sassoon
• 2000: Directed the team to create the first communication strategy and marketing department for China Ping An Insurance Group. It is the largest insurance group in China today and the largest shareholder of HSBC
• 2001: Led the communication strategy for the final pitch film for China to win the hosting right of World Expo 2010, an event that attracted more than 70 million visitors in six months
• 2004: Oversaw the communication strategy in successfully launching Coco-Cola’s Minute Maid brand in China market. Now, Minute Maid is the number one juice drink in the market
• 2005: Appointed as a judge for the Future Marketing Awards, Asian Pacific region
• 2007: Appointed to be a jury for the 85th Annual Awards, Art Directors Club, New York, USA
• 2010: Led the communication strategy to launch Alibaba Group’s Tmall E-commerce platform and created the iconic annual promotion event, “Double 11.” Tmall now is the largest E-commerce platform with 600 million users. “Double 11” in 2021 achieved RMB 540 billion sales (GMV), approximately AUD 100 billion
• 2011: Spearheaded the communication strategy to launch.
These incredible milestones mark the development path of the advertising industry in China, from zero to the second largest one behind the USA. As significant as these are, the real impact Baiping values and treasures above all has been “bringing up” generations of advertising professionals who today are the leaders of marketing communication in China. It is this achievement that speaks to the true nature of Baiping and his desire to pass on his knowledge, experience and talents.

Ÿ 1995年: 参与Optus Vision在澳大利亚的发布
Ÿ 1998年: 在中国推出通用汽车别克品牌,这是中国第二大汽车品牌,2021年销量为828,627辆
Ÿ 1999年: 指导宝洁全球第一个品类开发实验的消费者洞察研究,通过飘柔、海飞丝、潘婷和维达沙松加强其在护发品类40%的市场份额
Ÿ 2000年: 指导团队为中国平安保险集团创建第一个传播策略和营销部门。它是目前中国最大的保险集团,也是汇丰银行(HSBC)的最大股东
Ÿ 2001年: 为中国赢得2010年世博会主办权,领导了最终宣传片的传播策略,该活动在6个月内吸引了
Ÿ 2004年: 监督传播策略,成功将可口可乐的美汁源品牌引入中国市场。现在,美汁源果汁是市场上排名第一的果汁饮料
Ÿ 2005年: 被任命为亚太地区未来营销奖的评委
Ÿ 2007年: 被任命为第85届艺术总监俱乐部评委会,纽约,美国
Ÿ 2010年: 主导传播战略,启动阿里巴巴集团天猫电子商务平台,并创造了标志性的年度推广活动“双
Ÿ 2011年: 率先发布传播策略。


Yuchao Wang
CEO, Huzhou Qiushi Education Group
Principal, Deqing Qiushi Senior High School
Griffith University alumnus


In 2010, while working at the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Wang Yuchao has won an Australian leadership fellowship to complete a Master degree at Griffith University. Wang joined Huzhou Qiushi Education Group (HQEG) in 2015 and currently serves as CEO. He has built the group into six schools (two high schools, two foreign language schools and two vocational training schools); four restaurants and five companies ranging from education development, electronic network science and technology, and cloud-based network and technology development. He is also very keen on charity. On May 21, 2008, he went to Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, to carry out earthquake relief. In 2019, he donated 1 million yuan to Fuxi Street in Deqing County to reward excellent teachers and students.
Wang is committed to strengthening educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Australia. He has worked tirelessly with Griffith partners, with whom he has developed a trusting, long-term relationship, to co-develop an innovative program. He has built a mutually-beneficial collaboration with Griffith University that improves capacity for teachers from both sides, and benefits Chinese students and their parents. This involves 1) sending HQEG teachers to Griffith University each year for intensive short courses, and hosting Griffith education students to HQEG for practicum placements; and 2) a “Collaborative Direct English Entry Program” jointly delivered by HQEG and Griffith University. In addition to teaching the national high school curriculum, teachers from Griffith University teach the pre-university curriculum. The students then commence foundation studies (equivalent to grade 12) before proceeding to a full undergraduate degree. The program was officially launched in 2019. So far, there have been more than 100 students. The first two classes of students have been enrolled at Griffith University for undergraduate course and foundation studies. As a high school international program, the program has sustained and continued to grow through exceptional efforts overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 restriction,and it has attracted students from the Yangtze River Delta region. This demonstrates the popularity of the program and confirms Wang’s entrepreneurship which is driven by his desire to create a brand new education program that serves students and their parents. This program has also made a great contribution to strengthening China-Australia long-term cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.




Ms Margarita Yao
General Counsel/ VP of legal affairs, Trina Solar
University of Southern Queensland alumna
La Trobe University alumna

Have been recognized by peers and legal industry at large and won Outstanding Energy In House Attorney 2021, Excellent Performer in Dispute Resolution and Excellent Performer in Cross Board Deal Attorney awards, organized by China Commercial Business Law Journal (CBLJ) – a notorious legal journal for Asia based out of Hong Kong.
Won Top 15 In House Lawyer hosted by Reuter Thomson Asia Business Law (ABL)- this award is the Oscar equivalent of our legal industry. This award carries extreme weight in the industry.
(1) Setting up legal practice qualification within Trina, enabling us to practice as private attorneys – by pushing to improve the quality of in-house team and having a qualification as our requirement increased exponentially our hiring difficulty. By creating a valued and dynamic team to ensure we can attract the best and most suitable people to join.
(2) Having legal department taking initiative into business dealing and heading litigation team recovered debt that is beyond status of limitation, and contributing over 90Mm RMB profit to the company bottom line, making legal department a profit center- the process is a uphill battle that is challenge our perseverance and intelligence. The team does not
(3) Revolutionized how in-house legal team as run; and rolled out billing system within the company to record and allocate legal value creation benchmark- this change is significant and extremely difficult to roll out from both internal resistance from legal staff and company business department. But our communication and persistence and most of all, our quality of support and value has made this possible.
(4) Turning legal department into true counsel instead of risk control personnel; using our industry knowledge and our legal expertise to generate solutions and ensures company reaching profit and turnover target Revolutionized how in-house legal department is run.

姚子然女士拥有佛罗里达大学国际金融学士和法学博士(Judicial Doctor; J.D)双学位,以及澳大利亚南昆士兰大学MBA(贸易法类)硕士学位。2000年初随欧洲老牌律师事务所回到中国开始在其在中国的执业生涯,拥有18年的国内国外职业诉讼经验,以并购交易和资本市场白领犯罪诉讼为其专业领域。现任天合光能股份有限公司总法务顾问一职。




Andrew Ye
CEO/President, Ha Style Group
University of Macquarie and Univesity of Sydney alumnus


Andrew attained two master degrees from Australia, he dedicated himself in Finance profession for more than 25years, specialized in GBS sophistication and enterprises digitalisation. His reputation in the areas has been well recognized.

Andrew, as the expertise in GBS (global business services), in 2012, started from scratch he legendarily built one of the most efficient and effective multi-functional SSC in the industry for Coca Cola China and north Asia. In 2019, as the head of adidas SSC he successfully transformed the SSC to GBS. The centre then became one of the best practice cases to be shared among peers, especially the quick establishment of Omni programme to combat the Covid 19 impact.

Andrew also has tremendous business acumens in M&A. The acquisition of Hong Kong Listed Chu Liang Wang Beverage Company in 2015 was again one of the best practices. He then successfully integrated the company into Coca Cola global system, as a result of that he was awarded as one of the top 40 best leaders in the system.

Recently, Andrew took the lead to establish one of the most sophisticated public commercial GBS to help China SMEs to become more efficient, effective and also more responsible and active in global business practices as well as business digitalisation. Base on GBS, the company will digital twin to Metaverse. As Chinese-Australia Citizen who is currently doing business in China, will surely build a closer tie between Australian and China businesses to realize common prosperity.
Top 40领导者的称号。


Anthony Yeh
Chief Strategy Officer and Head of China Business Development of Biosion
Queensland University of Technology alumnus


Anthony Yeh is currently the Chief Strategy Officer and Head of China Business Development of Biosion, a global R&D biotechnology company committed to developing biologics to improve patient outcomes for the treatment of immune and oncologic diseases. Dr. Yeh led a multi-million-dollar product deal and was instrumental in another multi-billion-dollar deal with in 2022. He also leads the series-B fundraising for Biosion.
Before Biosion, Dr. Yeh was Vice President, Head of Corporate Strategy and Capital Market at CStone Pharmaceuticals. In his 3+ years at CStone, Dr. Yeh served various leadership roles in helping to build CStone through IPO and eventually to commercialization. He played key roles in multi-billion-dollar partnerships, including in-licensing, out-licensing and multi-spectrum/equity deals. Before CStone, Dr. Yeh was Regional Head of Business Economics and Strategy at Abbott. Before Abbott, Dr. Yeh was engagement manager at L.E.K. Consulting where he specialized in life sciences strategy, commercial due diligence, and M&A.
Dr. Yeh has 15+ years of broad pharmaceutical industry experience in strategy, capital market and business development. He holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine from University of Oxford and a Bachelor of Science (honors) from Queensland University of Technology.



Yingzhong Zhang
CBS & IT Controller, Nestle (China) Ltd.
University of Sydney Alumnus


I have been working with Nestlé for 15 years since I came back from Australia. Starting from a position in Corporate Finance I rotated through 8 different roles and built up my solid experience in finance area. I always kept my curiosity and the desire for excellence. These helped me to keep making changes on the jobs and made achievements on every position. In the Factory Controller role, I built up a shared service team with another Factory Controller. Although it’s a small one to serve two factories only, it was the first shared service team in Nestlé China.
In the Management Accounting Manager role, I redesigned the monthly closing process and shorten the closing period from 4 days to 2.5 days. This was the outcome of solid excel and database skills as well as the day after day hard working.
After I moved to the position of a Business Controller, I made full usage of my finance knowledge and experiences to support the business growth. The biggest contribution I made was to set up eBusiness process with proper control for the business. The eBusiness started in 2015 with annual sales of 4 million and reached 250 million in 2019 counting 25% of total business.

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